Your body positioning when you approach a new girl tells her a
lot about you, fast. If you want to make sure you send the right
signals, you want to get the positioning right.
Since lately we’ve been discussing non-verbal seduction, I decided to go a bit further and discuss the actual tools for non-verbal seduction. These upcoming posts will cover in depth some commonly known tools, but they will also discuss some oftentimes disregarded tools that are actually vital – remember that with non-verbal seduction, the devil lies in the details.
To illustrate this properly, I’ve decided to make today’s topic about positioning.
We will base our analysis on clubs and bars, but the exact same principle applies for parties and day game. The reason I use the club is because positioning is more important in this atmosphere and has more nuances in typical night game spots.
By positioning, I am referring to your body’s position relative to the female with whom you are interacting (or trying to interact with, if we are talking pre-approach) – where your body is facing, your distance from her, and even the particular spot where you’re standing can be a big factor. We will discuss all three phases of body positioning in three sections covering three broad seduction phases, namely:
The Pre-opening (before you engage)
The Post-opening (just after you engage – often described as the “hook-phase”)
- The Seduction Phase (I am not only referring to when you are making out, or back at your place, but the phase where you have opened, she is hooked in, and you have some rapport, and preferably you are in isolation with her)
Let us now discuss how positioning works during the first phase.