3 Signs She's Having an Emotional Affair (and What to Do About It) | Girls Chase

3 Signs She's Having an Emotional Affair (and What to Do About It)

Chase Amante

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Colt Williams's picture

emotional affairIn terms of relationships, a topic that is often discussed is cheating. Men talk about the consequences of cheating, times that they were involved with a girl who was cheating on her boyfriend or husband, or methods of preventing their girl from cheating to begin with.

But a potential relationship-destroying force that is often overlooked in the rhetoric of men is the emotional affair.

Emotional affairs can be just as detrimental to your happiness and stability in a relationship as sexual ones can be.

So today I’m going to talk about the events and signs that often lead to an emotional affair and what you can do as a man to try to ensure that you don’t end up in this position.


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