Some guys seem to be born lucky... They have a natural charisma about them that just magically DRAWS people in. Women are attracted to them, men follow their lead, and everybody likes to be around them. They just KNOW how to be charismatic, and no one ever had to teach it to them.
For centuries, people have been wondering what exactly this magical aura is, and what causes somebody to have it.
In fact, the French call it the “je-ne-sais-quoi” – in English: the “I don’t know what.”
You will even hear women say these exact words when they talk about a man they find irresistibly attractive. “I just don’t know what it IS about him!” – Because often this man isn’t particularly PHYSICALLY attractive.
And while women don’t know why they like him, they also can’t stop calling him, or dropping whatever it is they’re doing to meet up with him… or sleeping with him, for that matter.
Many people simply admit defeat around this kind of man… they think he got lucky, he “has it”, and that “you have to be born with it”.
But is that really logical? If you did the exact same things as this man – if you behaved in the same way, had the same body language, and said the same words – if you KNEW how to be charismatic – wouldn’t you have the same effect on people?
No brainer… of COURSE you would.
A world-famous chef might be able to prepare a better “Crème Brûlée” than you can – and he may have a lot of talent in this area that you don’t have.
But guess what. If you can take the exact same ingredients and combine them in the exact same way, you WILL get the exact same dish.
No two ways about it.