5 outfits to wear this winter that make women drool: Elegant –
Edgy, Edgy, Smart – Casual, Rugged – Masculine, and Sharp.
I know dressing sexy in colder seasons is tricky, so last year I shared with you “Men’s Cold Weather Fashion: The A-to-Z Guide” to help you be your best, most attractive selves during these colder months – after all, the nights are getting longer too ;). That guide still stands the test of time, so this year I want to cover some specific examples of great looking outfits you could be pulling off.
In this article, we’ll have 5 different outfits for 5 different image archetypes: Elegant – Edgy, Edgy, Smart – Casual, Rugged – Masculine, and Sharp.
(Don’t worry – for each outfit, I’ll explain what situations would suit it best)
Because we have readers from all around the world, and winter in Germany will look a lot different from Canada or California... when building these outfits, I tried to focus around the middle ground, with reasonable, moderate winters. If you’d like to find more tips on how you can tailor these looks to better suit the winter where you live, check out the Winter’s A-to-Z guide mentioned earlier.
Because this article is going to be kind of long-ish, let’s just get straight to the outfits!