It’s that time of the year again – the sun is starting to shine brighter, the weather is getting comfortably warm, and the skirts on our beautiful ladies are getting shorter to the point where it’s very easy to lose your focu... wait, what was I saying...

But maybe that’s not what pops into your mind when I say that summer is here. Maybe instead you imagine scorching sun, sweating as if you were in a sauna, and uncomfortable, sticky clothes.
As discussed in “Summer Fashion For Men: Your A to Z Guide to Looking Sexy in Summertime”, summer brings a quite distinct set of perks and challenges when it comes to dressing sexy and presenting ourselves in the most attractive light.
From one side, we can finally show off our physiques that we’ve been working on during the winter-time, and thin fabrics are really great at putting sex into her mind just by looking at you; on the other hand, most summer-friendly clothes are quite hideous and make us look boyish instead of sexy. I’m looking at you, shorts.
For this reason I originally prepared the A to Z Guide to Looking Sexy in Summer-time, to help you make the most of the benefits that come with this time of year and to work around the drawbacks as much as possible.
With this article I’d like to dig into the specifics and offer you concrete outfits you can use during summer and look very sexy, something we did with “6 Outfits That Will Help You Look Sexy” (if where you live the weather is far from getting warm, this is the article to check).