What you do before approaching a girl can have a large impact on the interaction to come. Set yourself up for a smoother approach by avoiding these mistakes.
Hey, guys. Welcome back. Today, I will cover some fundamentals that we need to recap. After writing all this advanced material, I realized that there is never a bad time to go back to basics. In fact, the very word “fundamental” means something you simply cannot do without.
This post is fit for beginners, as well as more experienced players who need to revise – and trust me, they often do. I revise my fundamentals a lot, especially in periods of bad momentum when I’m not doing too well. At times like that, my fundamentals are the first to take a hit.
As I’ve mentioned in my series on hooking, it is usually opening and hooking game that take the biggest hits on your off nights. Today, I will cover some basic mistakes a lot of men make before approaching women. This is also the phase that guys struggle the most with.
Troubleshooting and fixing the fundamental mistakes that I make are key to getting back on track and wreaking havoc again. Taking some time to revise the fundamentals and creating an even more solid foundation is precisely what makes the difference between success and failure.
This post is about approaching. Those of you who are new to this may ask why I’m focusing on the time before the approach. After all, at that point, you’re not even talking to a woman. But what happens beforehand has an impact on the approach itself. This will make more sense as you read on.
Let’s get on with it.