Over on
the discussion boards, Stratvm
discussed a phone number he'd grabbed in Switzerland while just passing
through, and wanted to know how he could convert this quick phone
number into a real booty call
- how does he get this girl coming over for sex. He noted:
“It would be nice to have a blog post on how to convert numbers to same day lays; now I'm just guessing how to proceed.”
This article is going to be about two things:
- How to get a girl you've just met to respond to a "booty call"
- How to get into a booty call relationship with a girl you've already been with
- How to screen for the women who are likely to be open to booty
... and that last one's especially important. Not every girl is open to the idea of slinking over to your pad close to the witching hour for a late night slice of lovin'. Some women find the idea offensive to their sensibilities.
But the ones who are open to it... you may well be leaving them feeling a little less excitement in their lives by not going for it.
So here's how to pull a booty call off - and we'll begin with all the wrong ways men go about trying to get women over for some quality between-the-sheets time.