Hey guys. Welcome back.
As the lockdown continues, many of you are finding refuge in relationships. You meet a girl, sleep with her, and, since there is nothing to do, sleep with her again. Then, when you need some female affection, you call her, and... voilá! You've got yourself a regular thing.
Knowing that, due to the current circumstances, some of you may not even be allowed to go outside (or only for a set amount of time each day) you may start finding the idea of having a “fuck buddy” appealing, or even consider going for a full-on girlfriend.
But, if we're completely honest, that f-buddy of yours has probably turned more girlfriend-like lately, hasn’t she? You see her more often, and you do more boyfriend-girlfriend things with her, so that you end up with a “couple” vibe between the two of you.
You eventually start getting a bit more emotionally attached to her than you usually would. Perhaps she is starting to get a bit more emotionally attached to you than she otherwise would.
Maybe you thought: "Now is the time to get a girlfriend."
I don't blame you! Let's see:
Clubs aren't open
Bars are closed
There are restrictions on house parties
The field is DEAD basically.
You know it's going to be much harder than usual to meet a new girl. And here you have this sweet chick bedding you well. It's got all the trappings of a sweet deal, doesn’t it?
Also, let’s face it – we're going through insecure, lonely, and emotionally draining times. We may all experience this differently, and live in distinct places with dissimilar lockdown variants.
But we all feel a bit more emotionally vulnerable; so, naturally, we seek more closeness and companionship.
Where I live you can’t go on dates, as there is a curfew at 6:00pm! What is more, the new restrictions seem to negatively affect women’s sex drives and overall state.
Women also seem to favor relationships and closeness over random hook-ups during times like these.
Let’s all cuddle up and roll in the hay non-stop until this is over!
But, is that a good idea? I'm going to discuss why I think it isn’t.