commenter on the article about sexy body language asks the
following regarding narcissistic and egotistical women:
“I was wondering if you could put out any content on how to deal with narcissistic, overly selfish women. They're tougher to deal with on some levels and I'd love to see what kind of content you have for how to deal with that type of woman.”
If you're like many people reading this article, your first reaction might be, "Who on Earth wants to date a narcissist?"
You know... selfish, egotistical, conniving. Unempathetic. Cold, in many ways.
But there're two sides to everything, and narcissism is no exception. Narcissists also tend to be incredibly charming, very charismatic, and quite colorful. They're frequently the center of attention... the bright and shiny objects at the middle of the room.
They are the coveted. And they enjoy being coveted.
In fact, there are reasons you may want to date a girl who's a narcissist... just as there are reasons you may not.