If you think about success with women as cause and effect, you’ve
got it all wrong. You must think in terms of probabilities.
First off, causality and probability are not opposites.
But from a mental models point of view, they may as well be.
Most people in most walks of life think about things in terms of causality. Causes have effects, and effects have causes. If X happens, it’s because you did Y... or someone did. And if you do Y, X will happen.
This is what we might call ‘normal thinking’. It’s how the untrained mind interprets everything.
If you go out to the bar at night, and meet a girl, and you and her end up in bed together, you caused that.
If you hit on a girl in the office, and she rejects you, and then the entire office mocks you for weeks for it, you caused that too.
We’re going to unpack a lot of this thinking today. I’m going to show you why it’s not entirely correct, and in fact is more incorrect than correct.
Along the way, I’m going to expose a lot of wrong thoughts you likely have about seduction, about social interaction, and about the way the world itself works.