A reader
recently contributed another comment to the article "When
Women Test Men." Like many of the commenters on that
article, he balked; "Why should I
have to learn how to deal with women's tests? Women should simply like
me for ME, and NEVER test me!"
In one way, I sympathize. It's no fun feeling like other people are putting you under a microscope, examining you, and that you're being inspected to see if you meet their requirements.
However, the element of learning how to automatically pass the tests you see from women - that's things like:
Her asking you loaded questions about yourself
Her putting up resistance to dating or sleeping with you
Her giving you drama in a relationship
... is more or less one of the key foundational elements, all boiled down, of learning "game."
And when you're first learning how to deal with tests, they can be hard, and they can be confusing, and they can make you feel helpless, and they are not a lot of fun.
But, is it perhaps possible to just skip learning how to deal with all these feminine things, and just screen for and get women who don't act like this?
Can you opt not to learn game... and still find success in mating and in life?