You don’t have to be a master of observation to realize
most guys flat out suck
when it comes to flirting. And this isn’t even necessarily because they
don’t know all the right techniques. The reason for it is actually much
more fundamental.
What is this fundamental reason, you ask?
Only this: more often than not, we repress our emotions and act too stiff or too mechanical.
Just imagine what a terrific flirt you could be… IF you didn’t repress your emotions.
Why do we repress them?
Out of fear of failure and public humiliation if efforts fall flat,
or *gasp!*… a girl snubbing
you. Repress them, and snubs and failures seem easier to shrug off.
But imagine what it’d be like to be completely comfortable flirting… with even the hottest girls you meet.
What would you have to do to be that guy? That’s what we’ll be covering today.