In the last couple of posts, we have examined the series of events
that had to happen both logistically and emotionally in order for an
escalation to progress successfully from meet to mate.
We understand that logistical escalation refers to, from a simplified perspective, where to do something, while emotional escalation refers to when to do something.
This information is important to understand, as the majority of time spent during your learning curve when approaching and socializing will be learning when to do (or say) whatever it is you do (or say).
In other words, when you are in an interaction with a woman to whom you are attracted, you will learn, through trial by error, to recognize the signals that she is communicating to you (mostly non-verbally), as to when to ramp up, or slow down your escalation.
Women are all different, so when you are able to recognize the emotions a woman is experiencing, you will be able to connect with her quickly, effectively, and then build upon this connection to guide the interaction to the Optimal / Desired Reality.
A good way of looking at emotions is to view them as filters. These emotional filters are the keys to decoding her communication.