“The Ultimate Guide on How to Get a Girl Back”,
Danny writes:
“This really rings true right now, I have been flirting with a girl for a few months, getting to know her and building quite a bit of chemistry. She works at a coffee shop I go to work on my computer. She had a boyfriend at the time, we met, who was shitty, manipulative and distant. We talked a lot and as soon as they broke up we said we should hang out, texted and flirted a lot more than previously, but she was always aloof about hanging out. In an attempt to show here I was not the kind of shitty guy she had been dating, I told her outright how I feel, that Im not the kind of guy to play games, or try and play the field, and she has been pulling back more. It seems like I came on to strong, and now she feels either disinterested or like she can have fun and Ill just sit there and wait.
In our last conversation, which did not go great (she didnt get mad, just wasnt as forward as normal) we actually talked frankly, said we were both interested in each other, but then she brought up just getting out of a relationship, always hanging out with friends etc. so, expressing both interest and disinterest at the same time
would be interested to hear thoughts.”
That’s a crummy place to be in. Really no fun.
However, the scenario is amazingly common: you see a girl dating a guy that you know is just all wrong for her.
She complains about him, she hates him, she despises him. She breaks up with him, gets back together with him, then breaks back up with him again.
And a light bulb goes off: if you can just show her you’re different from him, she’ll be yours.
As soon as she realizes that you’re nicer, or cooler, or more considerate, or even sexier, this girl will jump from his branch to your branch.
Then you try it, and... it doesn’t work. She doesn’t get together with you.
You tear your hair out in frustration, but it doesn’t help. In the
end, she starts dating another guy just like her ex, and your mind is
blown. Doesn’t she realize he’s
EXACTLY like that guy she just left whom she hates so much?
The reason this occurs is simpler than you might think, though: it isn’t because some mysterious force intervened, or the “timing wasn’t right”, or any of the myriad other reasons a girl will give you herself.
The simple fact is that she has a type... and you aren’t it.