Do you seek approval? Is your behavior tentative or uncertain… or is it clear to women that you are confident – that you just KNOW what you are and what your value is?
Sometime back, I wrote an article on giving girls oral sex (i.e., cunnilingus).
In it, I gave a tip of maintaining eye contact through the session if you want to ratchet up the intensity.
A reader writing in the comment section commented that his girl "hates it, finds it incredibly feminine." He adds that women in pornography "stare up at the guy while giving him a blow job, seeking approval." Then says that his woman doesn't want that.
It took me a moment to wrap my head around where this guy was coming from at first. Yet, then, I realized where that was.
With almost anything you can do, there are different ways of framing a thing, both internally (in your head) and externally (the way you present it).
In this case, here was me framing a thing one way. Then this reader came along and framed it another way.
This difference in framing gets picked up on by the woman herself.