Are you really, really good at what you do?
You already know this blog. You already know this site. You already know what we're about. You already know that we're about men moving up in the world through the best science and tech, crazy real world stories, living amazing lifestyles and getting the women of our dreams. We help men all over the world live like modern day kings.
So how's your current job? Does it suck? Is it "just okay"?
Or maybe you're doing well, but not as fast as you could be?
Anyways. We're looking for people who are the best, highly engaged, learn quickly, and are just awesome and amazing and fun people to work with.
Write to me at if you are - tell me what you're good at, why you got into it, and what you see as the meaning of your life.
(the actual job? I've got a few, I'd much rather hear from people who are awesome about what they're awesome at. I've got the right fit for you if you're the best and coolest person you know)
Love you,