There is a double standard with regard to which sex gets to “play the field” indefinitely and receive praise for succeeding in racking up hundreds of attractive sex partners. As we know, guys who do this – players – supposedly have an easier time in society than their female counterpart: “sluts.”
Players don’t always enjoy as many perks as you might think. For instance, other men may want to keep them out of their social circles, fearing their girlfriends will fall victim to the chad’s debauched depredations.
Still, girls who sleep around have a much harder time, mostly due to other girls’ gossip and backstabbing, which is an attempt on their part to increase the price of access to their vaginas.
But there is another double standard that is going to be the subject of today’s article. That double standard is which sex gets to gloat about the opposite sex partners they’ve shagged or other lurid details of their love lives.
And here it is clear that girls have the upper hand. Guys are, so the thinking goes, meant to be discreet, downplay or even be completely silent about their dalliances and appetites: “Don’t kiss and tell.”
What if a guy were to go against this “rule”?
What effect does a guy gloating about the sex he’s had with a girl or girls in the plural have on other girls who may be present during the gloating?