You’ve approached a woman. You went up
to her and joked around about
her polka dot dress and vintage style. She laughed, and made further
inquiry into who this intrepid gentlemen is. You begin to tell her
about yourself and launch into a quality conversation.
You starting thinking to yourself: “Wow. This girl is really something.” She tells you an embarrassing story about how she peed her pants when she was a kid. This makes her seem so down to earth despite how beautiful you find her.
You two like the same music. You’ve traveled to some of the same places. You have similar life values. You think, “This is it. Finally, I’ve found a quality woman.”
You ask her out. “Hey, Julia, I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you here…”
She replies. “Yes! I would love to!”
You’re elated. You swap numbers with her as your heart is pounding. Then you say your goodbyes, ready to leap out of your body with joy.
“It was great meeting you. I look forward to our adventure Julia!”
She reciprocates your goodbye: “It was great meeting you too! I look forward to going out… as friends.”
You stop dead in your tracks. You double-take to make sure you heard her correctly. Friends? Did she just say friends? How is that possible?
How is that possible? You did everything right, right? Wrong. In this scenario, you successfully connected with her, but you failed to arouse her.
Connection is an important component of arousal, but it’s far from the whole story.
So if you’ve ever found yourself in this – or a similar – situation, today I’m going to break down everything involved in how to arouse a woman.