How do you meet a girl and get a date from a group or event... without standing around not knowing whom to talk to or what to do?
While I will always recommend you put cold approach (walking up to girls you don't know) first, you can excellently supplement the women you meet this way with girls you meet via groups and events.
If you are active enough socially, it can even be possible to make groups and events your primary channel to meet new women.
There are several benefits to getting your dates via events and group activities. The biggest is that women you meet this way are both more open to socializing, and less guarded. This typically means:
It is easier to start conversations with them
Conversations are faster to reach the hook point (where the girl begins to actively contribute / not want you to go)
Women you meet this way can more readily agree to comply with your requests, move around with you, or go out with you
The interactions are also slower paced and less pressured, which means they aren't as 'do or die' as higher pressure street, bar, grocery, etc. approaches (or even class, office, or library approaches).
You have more time to make things happen in group and event situations; you don't need to move quite as fast, and the escalation windows don't close so quick. Attraction sticks around longer before expiring, too.
Below, we'll cover some tips and tactics to make getting dates from groups and events a breeze, and have a lot more fun at these places, too.