It is the goal and dream of young, middle-aged, and seasoned men everywhere. In fact, I am convinced that 90% of the time that males go out it is for this purpose: the one-night stand.
There are few things more satisfying than going out, meeting a new sexy girl, executing your game perfectly (or probably just good enough), and then taking her home for a one-night stand.
But on the flip side of this coin, it can be an extremely disappointing feeling to go out with the intention of getting a one-night stand and then, sadly, falling short. And droves of men unfortunately experience this frustration on a nightly basis.
Fact is, most guys have only the haziest of ideas about how to get a
one-night stand.
There was a period of nearly 10 months where I slept with quite a few girls, and every single one was a one-night stand. During this period, I learned a thing or two about really fine-tuning my process to this end.
And now I’m pleased to share with you what I’ve learned about getting a one-night stand with sexy girls.
I hope you get a lot from this article, but the key take away should be this: in a one-night stand, your process and decision-making are just as important as your appearance and game. So keep that in mind.