of a seducer’s job is educating other seducers on the
logistical requirements and challenges of a turf he is very familiar
with. Today, that will be my job. As you well know, I am from Kenya,
one of Africa’s elite nations that attracts thousands of foreign
visitors every month.
Decade after decade, Africa has been with strange stereotypes of guys in traditional attire, hungry kids, lions everywhere, and no skyscrapers. All these are nothing but gross exaggerations. A lot of visitors actually get surprised when they get here.
Think of Africa as a good student. Great Western cultures, inventions, and mannerisms are replicated here. The continent as a whole is by no doubt a trusted tourist destination of the world. Apart from the thriving wildlife, searing weather, and super cool vacation spots, there’s a favorable business climate too. And to top it all off, the women are super attractive.