the article on finding the woman you most want,
a reader named Alex asks a question about having sex with the women you
work with:
“The question is about getting together with girls you work with, I am young guy, working jobs at the mall to save up for school. I feel attraction from a lot of the girls I work with, but want an idea of how to transition it into getting one on ones with them. I want it to go smoothly, because I work with them and would see them frequently. So I don't want strain working relationships, but since I'm there a good amount time, translating this environment into my dating life would be awesome.”
Now here's a question just about every guy has - whether he's working at the mall like Alex, or in a cubicle-filled office building, or working in a school with hot young teachers, or running his own business out of a co-working space where he passes sexy secretaries every day in the hallway or anywhere else a man trades 8 or 9 hours a day for a paycheck and ends up face to face with intriguing women and intractable social dilemmas.
Chase already did a piece on flirting at work; so if you want
a more enjoyable workplace environment or to enlist your female
colleagues in some engaging, sexy banter, definitely check that one
out. Flirting at work is also going to be a key to our strategy for
getting to more than just flirting, which I'll go into a little later
However, we also promised a follow-up piece on having sex with your colleagues... and getting laid at work.
This is that piece, and I'm going to tell you just how to turn your workmates into bedmates.