How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part II | Girls Chase

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part II

Chase Amante

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Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: this is Part II of V in our series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Be sure to read How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part I first before reading this post, if you haven't already.

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For the longest time, I believed in “game” as the most important factor in picking up girls myself… and I invested a lot of time working mostly on that part of the equation. And I got pretty damn good at it.

The more experiences you make in the real world, however, the more likely you are to run into guys who apparently have no game to speak of, yet have a magic vibe that makes even the most idiotic lines work for them.

And once I came to that realization, I decided to focus all my efforts on decoding this piece of the puzzle. I was going to reverse engineer this X-factor like a mad scientist.

I had some theories; I thought it must have a lot to do with how you FEEL about yourself and your life. Not just state, since state is something temporary… it had to be something much, much deeper than that; and something very subtle.

State is how you feel RIGHT NOW. Whereas this magical vibe seemed to have something to do with how you feel about EVERYTHING. About your life, your status, your wealth, your future and your social connections. How happy you are, and how much you feel like you're in control of your life and in the flow with everything.

That was, however, just a theory… I had to dig deeper.


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