Women care about their appearances more than most men realize.
Yet once you know it, you can run better dates and approaches.
In his article on approaching girls in a high energy vs. low
energy state,
Alek mentioned women’s tendency to put
weight on how others make them look in-venue. I thought this was a
great topic, and one we haven’t talked about as much as we should have.
So today’s article takes that topic and explores it further.
So let’s talk about the importance women place on appearances... both how they look themselves, and how the people and environments they’re associated with make them look.
Different women place different amounts of importance on appearances. Yet everyone values appearances to one extent or another... if not always to the same degrees, or along the same dimensions.
By the end of this article, I hope you will have a better, more intuitive grasp of the importance women put on appearances. And not to worry – we’ll talk below about why this grasp is helpful to your efforts to meet, bed, and date the women you want to do that with, too.