Is It Okay to Use Relationship Drama as a Man? | Girls Chase

Is It Okay to Use Relationship Drama as a Man?

Chase Amante

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Hector Castillo's picture

drama as a man
We men hate drama. But it has its uses. Women use it to test their men, but we can use it to put our foot down and demand respect without harming the relationship.

Men generally have a distaste for drama.

But women love it. They thrive on it. If it didn’t excite them, they wouldn’t create it so much – or at least not in the way they do. Their ambiguous behavior tangles us in a web of seduction and riles us up.

Women enjoy drama, but it also has a function. They use it to test your mettle and how much you care about them – or to express a problem within the relationship.

As men, the only time we should ever start drama is to express an issue we have. We have no need to test women with drama. It is an unnecessary step. We also have no need to test if women care about us – they will show us. We are not women. Unfortunately, many guys act like women in relationships. They start drama all the time and are gossips in their social lives, too.

In my experience, a man only needs to start drama when she crosses a line of respect with you or begins to turn into the kind of woman you no longer want to be with.

Let’s go through those two scenarios and how you should start drama in cases where it can be useful. We will aim for maximum effect and as little drama as necessary. As with everything, the law of least effort applies here. We do not like drama. If you must start it, you probably won’t enjoy it, so make it as simple as possible and easy to end quickly after it’s fulfilled its purpose.


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