Pulling Women Home: The Secret to Watertight Pick Ups | Girls Chase

Pulling Women Home: The Secret to Watertight Pick Ups

Chase Amante

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pulling womenA week and a half ago I was out at a nightclub with a pair of friends. One of my friends was from here in town; the other was visiting from the other side of the world. As is usually my priority when out with friends, I wanted to do anything I could to make sure both of them had as good a time as possible, and for me that meant doing what I could to try and get both of them pulling women.

Both guys are cool, likeable guys, and both do all right with women in their own rights already, so my contribution to their efforts was more in the edge cases -- making things happen when they might otherwise not. As it was, I coordinated aiding one of my friends in pulling his girl home fast, in the cold, even as she left her coat and phone behind and complained about needing to go talk to her friends, and set my other friend up as best I could to pull a girl I'd introduced him to who clearly wanted him to take her home very much while I managed the pull of my other friend visiting from out of town.

There were a number of moments during the pull when my one pal's girl was ready to peel off, and only by unflinchingly leading things forward was I able to maintain control of the situation and ensure she came with us.

How do you succeed at pulling women home in situations where most men fail?

Simple: you progressively move things forward.

The way you do that is the subject of this post, and executing correctly is going to be key to you getting regular, routine success picking up cute new girls.


The Pull: Timid Men Need Not Apply

I grew up in middle class America, taught to always be polite and not ask too much of others. I learned it was rude to impose, and inconsiderate to demand. My style of interacting with people entailed more dancing around and hoping and inactivity than you could shake a stick at.

Well, when I started trying to get better with girls, I soon realized this didn't work.

You can't get girls by standing around and waiting for them to take action and lead. They won't. Leading women is essential for success with women. Girls will wait for you to take action... until they get fed off and stop waiting. And when they stop waiting, they leave.

It's on you. Making something happen is your responsibility.

I started with things like approaching women, then moved to asking a girl out, getting girls' phone numbers, and getting girls to kiss me. Pulling women home and escalating things to physical intimacy was the final big piece I was missing, and it was also the one that took me the longest to get down consistently.

I used to be so afraid of asking girls home... that if I asked them home, they'd get offended, get up and leave, and I'd never see them again. Looking back, there were so many girls I could've taken as lovers had I asked that I never saw again after the night we met because I failed to take action.

Timidity and hesitation are the death sentences of seduction. Women don't wait for timid men to summon the courage to pull them; they wait for their patience to run out, then they run out.

There's a secret that the men who do best with women know that every other man tears his hair out and gnashes his teeth with women for want of knowing. But if you've been following along so far, you already know what that secret is:

Successful men ask. And then they handle logistics and make things happen.

pulling women


The Ask and the Logistics

You can boil pulling women successfully down to just two core components:

  1. The Ask, and

  2. The Logistics

without either of which you probably don't get the girl.

What are each of these? I'll explain:

The Ask is when you invite a girl home with you. You normally want to do this once you can already tell if a girl likes you; she's clearly into you, hanging on your every word, investing, complying with your compliance requests and demands, and you've moved her and she's open and receptive to your touch.

At that point, you invite her home. "Let's go grab a nightcap and call it a night," is a favorite of mine for nighttime, or, "I don't know what else you've got planned today, but let's go watch a movie," during the day. Although I've used things as ridiculous as, "I have a really interesting ceiling at home; wanna see?" with girls it was clearly incredibly on with, and things as silly as, "Want to see my travel souvenirs?" when I'd talked extensively about travel, and those lines've worked fine too. The precise words you use in the ask are far less important than your tone and your delivery: you've got to be confident, decisive, and brief.

And then you've got to get moving.

The Logistics are the second piece of a successful pull, and without those things fall apart fast. Imagine a man who:

  • Invites a woman home, walks out of the cafe with her, and then starts walking down the street with her, only to realize he's a little lost, then turns around, walks in another direction, then changes direction, then asks her if she knows which way to Main St.

compared to a man who:

  • Invites a woman home, walks out of the cafe with her, and then immediately walks her to a taxi or 2 blocks to his home, or to the back alley behind the restaurant, where he throws her up against a wall and begins kissing her passionately.

Which man's more likely to have his girl stick around with him? Which one's more likely to get her home or get to physical intimacy even right there behind the restaurant?

I'll give you a hint: it isn't the guy who doesn't know what his logistics are.

Handling logistics properly is an oft-overlooked, incredibly integral part of pulling women well, as logistics are something that're invisible if you do things right, and they're something you don't realize were missing when things fall apart.

What all this means then is that asking a girl home is only one part - the first part - of pulling successfully. Logistics are the other part, and they're every bit as crucial.


Logistics: The Hidden Variable in Pulling Women Right

pulling womenIf you asked most men what the most important consideration in picking up women and pulling them home successfully was, I think you'd pretty consistently get an answer like

"It's confidence, hands down."

or something like

"Being attractive and high value is it."

Really, in all honesty - how many guys do you think are going to look you square in the eye and say, "It's logistics?"

But if you ask me, that's exactly what it is.

I personally lost plenty of girls who were very very into me by failing to handle logistics and having them lose confidence in my ability to lead them to intimacy or by having their attraction for me to cool off -- attraction has an expiration date, mind you. And the hotter it was, the faster it cooled off.

Conversely, I've had my fair share of girls I probably shouldn't have been able to sleep with -- but I did, because I had good logistics. Girls who weren't especially fond of me in the moment but who went along with things because things were logistically very easy. I create paths of least resistance now, and make it easy for those girls to say "yes" to me -- so they do.

That's how you get girls who are "out of your league" -- sure, you can up your base attractiveness, and you can get better linguistically, but handling logistics well adds so much to the bottom line that if you haven't been doing it yet you've been missing out in a big way.

So how do you handle logistics right?

Handling logistics to get yourself pulling women successfully entails a couple of things:

  1. Knowing where you're leading girls

  2. Having back up plans and contingencies in case those don't pan out

  3. Being decisive and leading strongly in pursuit of your outcome

  4. Adjusting to do logistics on the fly and make things happen where needed

I like to tell the story of a time I drove a long way to go meet a very pretty girl with beautiful waist-length hair for a first date. I told her before we met that I had a long-distance girlfriend, and at first she hadn't wanted to meet me, but then she said we could just be friends. Well, we ended up walking out of a pizza bar a few hours after we met up, and there was strong attraction in the air but we were far away from my place, closer to hers but she had a roommate, and I wracked my brain for what we could do. She didn't want us to leave -- and I realized part of the reason was she probably knew what would happen if we did.

So I proposed we hit the beach. It was only a few footsteps away. I grabbed a towel from the trunk of my car, and we walked down to the beach, laid the towel down on the sand under the night sky, and laid down on it together. We were lovers less than 10 minutes later.

I think there's still a chance we'd have gotten together had I convinced her to drive back to my home with me 30 minutes away, but the chance we wouldn't have become lovers goes way up than if we just go down to the beach. Logistics makes all the difference.

Using the example of being out with my friend a week and a half ago, we were leaving the nightclub, and the girl was complaining that she didn't have her coat or her cell phone and that she had to go see her friends. "We'll see your friends soon," he said to her, but she kept insisting. She seemed ready to leave.

"Chase," he said, turning to me, "can you help?"

Wanting him to have as great a trip here as possible, I leapt into action to preserve momentum.

"We'll be back before you know it," I said to the girl. "You can see your friends soon." I knew she liked my friend, and I knew she felt a social obligation to notify her friends of her intent to leave. I also knew that if she did, they'd probably stop her from going, and on top of that I knew that if she went back with my friend and he took her as his lover, she'd end up very happy that she'd gone along with him and not back into the nightclub. Furthermore, she could always head back there in an hour or two; the place was open until 7 AM.

"But how long?" she said.

"We're going for 30 minutes," I said, "and then you can come back."

"I just want to go back now," she said.

"Soon," I said, then started walking. They followed.

Next I found a taxi, and opened the door. Getting in, I told the driver my address -- and he waved me off and refused. What?

I got out, changed cabs, and the same thing happened. Fantastic. There I was, in the middle of the night, trying to preserve the fragile momentum we had going on so my friend could get his girl home with us, and suddenly, inexplicably, no taxi driver wanted to take us.

"I'm just going to go back and find my friends," said my pal's girl. "And get my coat. I'm cold."

"We're getting a taxi right now," I told her firmly. "You'll be warm really soon. Let's move."

I got into 3 taxis, 4, 5. Finally, the seventh taxi I approached, before getting in I instructed my friend and his girl to get in the taxi fast and shut the door, at the same time I was. We rushed the cab, slammed the doors shut, and I told the driver loudly and firmly where to go. He grudgingly took us back to my apartment.

My friend was getting his girl's shirt off in my guest room back at my place when the chicken he'd eaten on the street with her waiting for me to hail a cab overcame him and he had to go expunge it into my sink. The girl was nice enough to go and pat him on the back as he did. He ended up giving her some taxi fare and sending her back to go find her friends, but he came out of the experience saying he loved the town and that he'd be back to visit.

Logistics make the pull possible.

How do you do logistics? By following that process from above:

  1. Knowing where you're leading girls (your place? Hers? The beach? An alleyway?)

  2. Having back up plans and contingencies in case those don't pan out (alternative logistics - if your first choice is inaccessible, what then?)

  3. Being decisive and leading strongly in pursuit of your outcome (continuing to lead even when she says she needs to turn back)

  4. Adjusting to do logistics on the fly and make things happen where needed (not giving up when the first few taxis won't take you or when the girl doesn't want to drive back to your house)

When you couple the Ask with the Logistics you need to make things work, you arm yourself with a deadly combination for pulling women like the most talented of ladies men. This is the essence of being a closer; it really just comes down to asking for it to happen, and then making it happen.

Chase Amante


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