As we continue on with our relationship series, there
are a couple
of ground rules you might set for your relationship if you want to
ASSURE smooth sailing, avoid relationship
jealousy, and generally have a happy and productive romance. The
best way to lay these rules is, as usually, not by explicitly stating
them… you don’t want to give her a list.
“These are the rules, woman.”
Not so smooth…
Instead, use the power of frame control to convey what you value and expect from a partner. For example, you can bring it up in conversation, or you can inoculate against an undesirable behavior by telling her about another girl who behaved that way… and how that did nothing to further her relationship with you.
As I said, I believe the most important rule in any functioning relationship is that both partners be always honest with each other. At the same time, however, I recommend that you trust each other implicitly until there is a reason not to. It won’t improve your relationship if you’re constantly suspicious of her… and it won’t help your relationship jealousy any. Trust is one of the four pillars of a great relationship (more about that later on in our series).
And knowing how to maintain that level of trust – and avoid relationship jealousy – is what this article is about.