Imagine that you are reading this article on the top floor of a high-end bookstore just a few blocks down from a prestigious law school. There is a lot natural light and the smells of cedar furniture and rain pleasantly tease your senses.

As you glance out the window into the courtyard, you see a woman hurrying in the front door. Your jaw literally drops. She’s gorgeous.
You understandably decide that meeting her is far more important than reading my article and decisively rise to intercept her.
Having this sort of decisiveness is key if you are to even have a shot with a girl of this caliber.
And, though as of now you only suspect it, later you will learn that this woman is actually your dream girl.
She is mature, loving, and has no unmanageable hang-ups or neurosis. She also has easy access to an almost endless supply of high quality mates, her finances are taken care of, and she is popular and well-liked.
Yet, decisiveness alone is unlikely to win you this dame by itself. Even chutzpah will only get you so far.
Sure, by setting a sexy frame and being bold enough to ask for investment you may be able to become her lover, at least for a short period of time – but what if you want a more substantial relationship with her? What if you want to keep her around for more than the typical 3 months that a well-managed FWB lasts? What if you even want to keep her around for longer than even the typical 2 years of a long-term relationship?
What if you want to keep her around INDEFINITELY, without just counting on luck for that to happen?
If that is the case, then this article is for you.