Some guys slowly circle, other guys charge in. But if you want the most consistent results with girls, you'll do neither such thing…
It'd be nice if you could approach a girl, do a few things, and she just goes right to being your girl right after that, right?
Most women you'll meet aren't ready to go the moment you meet them, however.
Instead, you have to take them through a process.
You have to get them comfortable with you. You have to get them to follow your lead. You have to awaken their lusts. You have to create situations where they are alone with you and can slip into a more intimate interaction. You have to invite, and you have to lead.
The approach an ordinary man takes with women typically falls to one of two extremes:
He takes baby steps, but too few and too slowly. These men are the hesitant men, who don't want to blow it with a girl, so they go slow and walk soft. They stay well within the bounds of acceptability, but end up so tentative girls don't realize they like them, or if they do realize it, they find the guys too tame and aren't interested.
The other type of guy takes big steps, but rushes. These men are the aggressive men, who don't want to waste time on uninterested women, so they go fast and make bold moves. They cross the bounds of acceptability with many women, since these bounds are different for every girl and if you're trying to move bold and move fast (and aren't using much finesse as you do it) you don't have time to figure out where each individual girl's boundaries are. The result is men like this succeed with the women who were open to what they wanted and whose bounds matched their moves (a minority of women), while they blow themselves out or scare off the women for whom they make too many bold moves, too fast, or go too far out of bounds (the majority of women they meet).
It's better to be Guy B than it is to be Guy A, generally. Guy B at least will get some decent success with girls, even if he blows it with most of them. But you have to be a bit of an asshole to pull off the Guy B approach.
Guy A spends too much of his time pining away after girls who may not even realize he likes them, or do realize it but don't feel anything for him (and never will, since he never really does anything with them).
Both men are extremes though.
One moves too slowly and softly, like a seduction sloth.
The other moves too brazenly and rushed, like a seduction rhinoceros.
The way the most adept seducers move is neither like the slow-moving, soft sloth, nor the brazen, rushed rhino.
The best seducers move like a cat: lots of little steps, made quickly, before they pounce.