If you want a shortcut for understanding women instead
of ripping
your hair out at the roots because women don’t make any sense, think
about a woman this way: she wants to
Men know this, of course. But most men are not thinking about it
correctly, as evidenced by the various complaints by men about women’s
behavior on my old article “When Women Test Men.”
See, most guys are thinking about things like men do, which is in a rational problem-solving type way.
They look about themselves and see lonely women. And they see
themselves – also lonely. Well, why don’t women just submit to them? Then both of their problems would be
solved! The man would have the woman, and the woman would have the man.
The fact that women don’t do this is, to them, proof that women’s reasoning is flawed.
I mean, ask a woman to explain this, and really nail her down on it, and she can’t.
There, see? Irrational. Doesn’t make sense.
But it does make sense when you realize she cannot submit completely willingly to a man; she is not programmed that way. Even if she rationally wanted to submit to you because you have such well-reasoned qualities and stats, she cannot.
Why not, you ask?
Because women do not want to and cannot submit fully willingly under their own power.
You must make them submit.