You’ve changed towns, but you don’t know anyone. How can you get
started in a new city? This guide shows you how.
You’re about to move to a completely new city... or you’ve already moved there. It’s exciting, it’s fresh, and it’s a little scary. Here is this novel metropolis where you don’t know anyone.
It could be filled with opportunity: awesome new friends, beautiful new girlfriends, delicious new food. Wondrous new places to see, riveting new activities to partake in.
Or it could be lonesome, boring, and fill you with homesickness for
your old abode.
- Say “Yes” to Every Invite
- Try Out Local Favorites
- Visit Tourist Areas First
- Ask Locals What’s Fun
- Seek Out Groups/Activities
- Online Game Before Move
- Go with People to Venues
- Counter-Recommendations
- Go on Review Sites
- Ask Women for Intel
- Your Goals in a New Town
How will you know? You won’t know until you’ve been there a while. But there’s a secret most social veterans who’ve moved around a bit know: what makes a place is not so much the place itself, but the people you know there, and the things you do there.
A well-connected guy with lots of cool friends, pretty girlfriends, and fun things to do in an otherwise small and boring town will live a better, fuller, more exciting life than a lonely guy who doesn’t go out and doesn’t know anyone, even if that guy lives in the biggest, most interesting city on Earth.
So our focus is to turn you into the well-connected guy who knows lots of outstanding people and does lots of outstanding things... no matter how big or small or busy or not his new town might be.
You’re going to learn how to get started in a new city. And in particular, you’re going to learn how to do that in a way that maximizes your exposure to excellent friends, women, locations, and activities.
This articles divides into sections each of those four items (friends, women, locations, activities). You can jump around with the table of contents if you prefer to skim and don’t want to read the whole piece in a single sitting. But for the maximum new city experience, I suggest you go through the full article.
We’ll begin this article with a look at location: where in town you should go for fun, and where in town you should live.