frequent subject of the articles on this site - we talk
about ways to increase your passive value and value and attraction a great
deal, while reducing "active value" (trying
to talk up your value - if you have to say it, it isn't true), and we
talk about screening women carefully to avoid bringing someone into
your life who's going to be a value drain.
Your value to other people - social value - is highly subjective by person, but it's something very worth being attuned to. Value assessments are a crucial part to our daily lives - every person you meet, greet, or so much as lay eyes on you do a quick value assessment of, and likewise everyone who speaks with, interacts with, or gazes upon you, for even the briefest of instants, does a quick value check on you as well.
When we interact with someone else is where these assessments really come into play, and where value imbalances raise their ugly heads - and make things really interesting, from a "what do you want from me, and what do I want from you" point of view.