You can sometimes do things for girls to make them more
compliant. But
you must be strategic in this – and you absolutely can’t supplicate.
Note right up front: this post is for somewhat more advanced guys.
At least intermediate-on-up. You need to be fine saying no to girls and
not have an overwhelming need to please before you’re ready for this
technique. Otherwise, you’re going to end up sabotaging yourself with
If you’re a regular Girls Chase reader (or if you own my book), you know how important investment is to doing well with girls. It’s a cornerstone of your success with women. If you’re just catching up and need an investment primer, here’s my three-part compliance series, to wet your whistle:
In my article on Donald Trump persuasion, Lawliet asks a question about giving compliance to get it:
“When we give others compliance, does that increase their compliance in us? In social situations with friends? with meeting girls also? What about in sales? I notice some salesmen help clients do things.
If normally not (ex. Sad shopping guy, helpful guy, horny guy), is there a way to leverage it so it does? I somehow suspect it can (why else would so many guys use it as flirting?), but have not decrypt the key yet (they use it in the wrong way).
Some examples would be great! (love to hear your ancedotals stories)
Just my theory,
So, yes – this is absolutely a thing.
In his book Influence, Robert Cialdini cites the example of giving free stuff (like a flower) to ask for a donation, a tactic which started at the airport with the Hare Krishnas – which if you’re too young to remember this scourge on American airports, as I am, you can still see preserved historically in the movie Airplane!:
The thing the Airplane!
clip shows you is that this tactic is often pretty grating.
The thing it doesn’t tell you – and that Cialdini talks about – is that it can be (and in the case of the Hare Krishnas, it was) extremely effective.
Yet before you go running off to use it in your seductions, we have a few things to discuss about it, first.