You use force frames to make women (or other people) see things the way you see things. Each force frame consists of two parts: the pitch and the ditch.
Frame control is a crucial aspect of achieving your ends with other people.
He who controls the frame, controls how those within that frame perceive events.
Civilizations strive endlessly to control the frame through which the citizenry view the world. Every civilization exerts massive amounts of energy to ensure its population sees things the way it wants it to see things, and to label the way competitor civilizations see things as 'misguided', 'wrong', or even 'evil'. Every time you think another country does things the wrong way, and yours does them right, you think within the frame of your society.
Yet frame control extends to a far more granular level than that of civilizations.
Any time you interact with a group of people, frame control is at play.
Any time you interact with a single other person, frame control is at play.
When you talk to a girl, frame control is at play. Either you'll control the frame, or she will.
When women test, this is in part to see if you'll yield the frame. Women are not attracted to men who yield to their frames, but they will test (over and over) to see if you will. They must discover if you are a man strong of frame or weak of it.
There's a form of frame control you can use called 'force framing'.
Force frames are for when you want to frame something that isn't necessarily true, or the other party may not readily accept. However, you still want to impose the frame regardless.
The force frame is how you impose that frame despite the other party's 'opposition'.