of the biggest obstacles with women is resistance.
If a girl gives you no resistance, you can do whatever you want with her, right?
“Come with me,” and she goes with you. Great. “Spin around, show me your dress,” and she spins. “Let’s head somewhere a little more private,” and she heads there with you. “Take your shirt off,” and she does. Perfect.
Yet the courtship dance is built on resist-persist. She resists, you persist. She resists, you persist. This ‘persistence testing’ women do is a way for them to vet your confidence and romantic aptitude. And confidence and romantic aptitude are signals to a woman of your mate quality. The more confident you are, and the more you know how to handle whatever she throws your way, the higher caliber a mate she judges you to be.
For this reason, handling resistance is one of the big things you must be able to do to get the women you want.
Today we’ll look at one quick, simple resistance-buster that lets you carve through moderate resistance from otherwise interested women: the quick 2-to-4-step flirtatious yes-ladder.