In sales, you learn early on to make a proposal, then shut up and let the prospect decide.
"Whoever talks first loses," is the way my old boss and sales trainer taught me.
Well... talks first once you've proposed something and the prospect's deliberating, that is.
However, there's one exception to this rule, and that exception is this: when you can tell the prospect is talking himself out of it.
This is a bit of a nuanced thing to catch.
Therefore, this article is really only intended for intermediate and up students of the game. It'll be most useful for men who are already at least somewhat advanced with women, and will be able to attune to the signals we'll talk about here a lot more easily.
If you're a beginner, you can ignore this article for now and hew to "whoever talks first loses (after you've made a proposal)", and it'll server you well the majority of the time.
But if you're farther along than 'beginner', it's time to take a more nuanced view.