Was chatting with J.J. yesterday about girls contacting you out of the blue with a, “Hey, what’s up! How are you? We should get drinks/coffee and catch up!” message, and what this means / the right way to play it.
These contacts – whether by text, phone, social media, email, or what have you – out of the blue always seem exciting; they’re like free dates (or even a free hook up, if you’re imagining far enough ahead).
You get them and it’s, “All right! Score! This girl wants me bad!”
And then... much of the time after you reply, you never end up meeting her.
All that initial enthusiasm she had to reconnect with you simply dies down and peters out.
That might seem irritating, or mysterious, or downright vexing to you – “Who can understand a woman?” you might say.
But it all has to do with those little things called ‘intrigue’ and ‘investment’, and what happens when you have too little of them – or, how things play out when you have enough.