get comments and questions on here every so often where I see
guys saying they think girls are still in love with them, then
detailing behavior that makes it clear the girl is most assuredly not
anywhere near being in love
with them.
I see men chasing desperately after girls who want nothing to do with them, or have decided they're finished with them.
Men who want to know if girls still like them when those girls are busily dating other people and don't have the time of day for them.
So, today's article is not a "how to", nor is it even a "why it
happens this way" (that much); rather, today's article is simply a what it looks like when you have a girl
who's crazy about you... so that you can more properly judge
where you stand, and how much work you've still got cut out for
yourself in becoming the kind of man women go ape over.
If your girlfriends aren't treating you this way... either your relationship skills still need some work (there are plenty of ways to build your relationships this way - see "How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You" and "Operant Conditioning in Your Romantic Relationships"), or you're not dating the right women for you.