You won't stay young, wild, and energetic forever. So what happens to the old playboy when age catches up to him? Does he just fade away?
Under my article "Male vs. Female Mating Motivations Laid Bare", a reader comments:
hard question to ask, but it just seems having children or getting married is a no win situation, if she wants to she can put you on child support or divorce you when she feels like it. with that being said is there a way to have kids and not be put on child support? is there a way to not have kids as an older man and not get looked at as weird? I'm actually really interested in the not paying child support part. what's your plan for yourself Chase logically with this stuff? do you plan to have kids and get married? or just have kids? I liked to know your process of what you think older you would do with women.
I feel like making an "Old players never die, they just..." joke, but can't think of a good one.
"They just NEXT away"?
Nah, too obscure.
Well, anyway. The "what's the endgame?" question is a valid one for the modern playboy.
I'm going to skip the child support one, because, well, it's not realistic for most guys. Children are costly, and someone has to pay for them. Women usually can't pay for them themselves (some rich women excepted, but there's problems with targeting rich women to sire offspring with, then peace out, that I won't go into here). If the father won't/can't pay, the burden then falls to society, simply so the child doesn't die or end up scrounging for scraps on the street like what you see in less developed countries. So most societies have laws mandating fathers pay for their own children, to avoid having it come out of everyone else's pockets. There's no way to get around that in most developed societies without just being a straight-up dead-beat dad who knocks chicks up then runs away and hides so they can't collect child support, then runs away and hides again if he's found and hit with back child support payments. Which I guess you could do, but it's trash behavior, and you're hopefully on this site to learn how to improve your life, rather than lead a trashier one.
The child support question aside, that "what's the endgame?" question, now that's an interesting question.
Because, well... it isn't clear what the endgame for most men IS any longer.