When Psycho Women Leave Stuff at Your Place | Girls Chase

When Psycho Women Leave Stuff at Your Place

Chase Amante

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psychos leaving stuff at your place
Most of the time, it’s by accident, but some women leave stuff at guys’ places with ulterior motives... and not good ones. Here’s how to tell, and what to do about it.

Hey, welcome back.

Today, I will cover some more overall seduction-related subjects that apply to all of you, whether you meet women online, during the day, or at night.

This may be also relevant for those of you who are into building relationships with women, whether long- or short-term, casual, or significant.

You’ve probably experienced women “forgetting” stuff at your place. It is not uncommon, especially if they like you. But before I go any further, you may be thinking, “Why is this a subject I should pay attention to? Is this a problem that needs solutions?”

Even though some of you might think it’s cute that women forget their earrings back at your place, I believe you should be on guard. There are two things possibly at play here:

  • Major red flags

  • The beginning of a stream of manipulation attempts

I will go deeper into why you should be careful with this in a moment. This is an issue, and the experience that I will share here matches those of many other top seducers.

However, I know some others may disagree, especially with the assumption that women who forget stuff are psychos or “damaged goods”. That is a fair objection, as there are exceptions – girls genuinely forgetting something at your place, for instance!

Additionally, this is all derived from my own personal experience, which could easily differ from the observation of other experienced seducers. Anyway, if this happens to be the case, I would love to hear their take on it.


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