One of our
female readers commented the other day on the
article "I Don’t Chase 'Em, I Replace 'Em,"
about not waiting around for women who aren't interested / are pushing
things off indefinitely, saying:
“Matt's letter suggested that you cut a woman off if she won't sleep with you on the first date... that cuts out a lot of good women, including me! If all guys thought like this, I'd never get a boyfriend (or laid) again!
(also, it should be noted, many men claim they 'won't date' a girl who will have sex on the first date, so you can't blame us for taking it slow)”
The topic is one that's been brought up a number of times by male and female commenters here, and done so in a variety of ways. Because the general advice for men on Girls Chase is contrary to conventional advice (i.e., take women to bed as lovers fast, not slow), it tends to provoke excitement in some, but confusion, questioning, or ire in others.
So - when should you have sex?
We've discussed the process of women's attraction expiring for men who fail to move things forward fast enough, but are there other reasons a man ought to take things fast with women he likes, and not slow, as the advice from the mainstream instructs?
And what about for women - is it better for women to make men wait, and if so, how long?
Today, I'm exploring both sides - so buckle up.