I've been asked from time to time on this site (most recently in a
forum post by one of our members here) is why I don't date girls
who club, party, drink, or have "girls' nights out".
The questions you most frequently get about this are:
Doesn't every girl do these things?
Who cares if she goes out and does a little drinking? I trust my girl to stay loyal.
Aren't you a hypocrite if you do these things but expect her not to?
Don't you trust your women to stay faithful to you? I thought you wrote in the article on how to prevent cheating that it was possible to be so great a partner than women wouldn't want to cheat?!
Most of these thoughts come from rather different places than where I come at relationships from, though. These thoughts revolve more around fear of loss, and/or a feeling of helplessness to control for or select against this behavior... neither of which I have.
This article will not be terribly helpful if you're still just starting out on your journey to get good with women, or are intermediate there, because you will not be able to follow it. Real screening is dependent on the ability to say "no," and until you reach the place where you truly have absolute abundance with women, there will always be women where your logic will say, "I'm not so sure about this one..," but your emotions will hit the override button and tell you, "Stop being silly - she's great."
So let's talk about why I recommend steering clear of these kinds of women if you want a stable, healthy relationship that is a boon to your existence, rather than the bane of it.