If you push beyond the temptations of hate toward women, you will find a new land of beauty before you. You will see the beauty in all women, even the evil ones.
I. The Eye Looks Back onto Itself
II. Evil Born of Universal Reactions
III. Evil Born of Reactions to Men
Long ago, I wrote two articles. One was about how women will cuckold and dominate you if you let them. Another was about how women are, by nature, amoral.
They were darker-side articles that inspired some controversy. I had been roaming the abyss of human behavior to search for truths that, while hard to swallow, were true.
Long I struggled with these moral questions of whether or not the evils perpetrated by others are always malicious. It’s easy to simply say “I don’t care” when faced with the dark side of women. This is the motto of most tough guys, and there are many tough guys on the internet.
I thought this to be my perspective as well, for a long time. Then, reflecting on my emotions, I realized that I’d lied to myself for a long time.