Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Don't Hurt a Girl: The Importance of Expectations

Ricardus Domino's picture

don't hurt a girlSometimes, it seems like an impossible to world to live in when you're trying to follow the mantra of “don’t hurt a girl.” The people on TV tell you you’re no good if you sleep with a woman only to realize she isn’t the girl of your dreams. But if the woman realizes that herself - that you aren’t Mr. Right - and walks off, that’s A-OK for her to do. And if a man sleeps with a lot of women nowadays, he’s a dangerous playboy. But if a woman does the same thing with men, she’s a tiger - a vixen - a veritable icon of the modern age. What gives?

“I don’t want to use women, and I definitely don’t want to hurt them.”

“I don’t want to get involved with many different women because that would be wrong.”

“I don’t want to lead women on or give them false hopes.”

If these thoughts (or something similar) have ever crossed your mind – this article is for you.

The question of the century (or at least 2012): is it WRONG to sleep with many girls?

The 3 Things to Know If You Want to Be Charismatic

Ricardus Domino's picture

be charismaticSome guys seem to be born lucky... They have a natural charisma about them that just magically DRAWS people in. Women are attracted to them, men follow their lead, and everybody likes to be around them. They just KNOW how to be charismatic, and no one ever had to teach it to them.

For centuries, people have been wondering what exactly this magical aura is, and what causes somebody to have it.

In fact, the French call it the “je-ne-sais-quoi” – in English: the “I don’t know what.”

You will even hear women say these exact words when they talk about a man they find irresistibly attractive. “I just don’t know what it IS about him!” – Because often this man isn’t particularly PHYSICALLY attractive.

And while women don’t know why they like him, they also can’t stop calling him, or dropping whatever it is they’re doing to meet up with him… or sleeping with him, for that matter.

Many people simply admit defeat around this kind of man… they think he got lucky, he “has it”, and that “you have to be born with it”.

But is that really logical? If you did the exact same things as this man – if you behaved in the same way, had the same body language, and said the same words – if you KNEW how to be charismatic – wouldn’t you have the same effect on people?

No brainer… of COURSE you would.

A world-famous chef might be able to prepare a better “Crème Brûlée” than you can – and he may have a lot of talent in this area that you don’t have.

But guess what. If you can take the exact same ingredients and combine them in the exact same way, you WILL get the exact same dish.

No two ways about it.

Book Excerpts: Short and Sweet Tips for Your PUA Openers

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Book Excerpt: Short and Sweet Tips for Your PUA Openers | Girls Chase

pua openersWhen you're new to meeting women and you're just getting started, finding the right PUA openers is consistently the number one thing on your mind. How do you open a girl the right way? Learning opening can feel like this big, daunting challenge.

Today's excerpt on getting down the basics of PUA openers that you might not know comes from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams. Opening's easy to do, you'll have experienced guys tell you, again and again - you can use anything to open with... so long as you say it right, that is. Problem is, when you're new, you don't really know how to say it right. So, you end up making mistakes, and women don't open well.

So what's the secret to opening well? It mostly revolves around a few key things you do to set the opener up right - so you're coming in warmly welcomed by women, instead of being greeted with suspicion or surprise as a man who plunges in awkwardly is wont to be greeted with. Here's what you need to know to get started...

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Touch Women (the Scientific Way)

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to touch womenThese are questions millions of men scratch their head over every day… should you touch her on the date, and if so, how much?

Will she think you’re creepy if you touch her too much… and how much IS too much?

Will she think you’re a shy wimp if you don’t touch her enough… and how much IS enough?

Let’s have a look at what science has to say on how to touch women… what happens to a woman physiologically when you touch her, what kinds of hormones get released and how does this affect the way she will FEEL about YOU?

How to Get Out of the Friend Zone: A Man's Survival Guide

Ricardus Domino's picture
how to get out of the friend zone

If you’ve ever struggled vainly to figure out how to get out of the friend zone, the following should be quite familiar.

“I really like you as a companion, and I don’t want to risk ruining our great friendship if we get involved.”

“I’m not really looking for a relationship right now… we should really just be buddies.”

“I just broke up with my boyfriend and I need to get back to being myself before being with somebody else.”

“I need some space to be alone right now… let’s just be friends.”

Have you ever heard any of the above from a girl you liked? (…most men have, at one point or another)

Or worse, were you ever friends with a girl you liked and never even made a move in the first place, out of fear of hearing the friends-speech?

Happy New Year 2012 from Girls Chase: A Look Toward the Year Ahead

Chase Amante's picture
happy new year 2012

This time one year ago I wrote a post excitedly updating you that we had 2,400 visits in December 2010, and that my ebook on getting girls was months away.

Well, I released the book in March and it's done well. It's been a consistent seller and it's moving about 40 copies a month. Meanwhile, Seduction Sensei, our monthly audio program, and Spellbinding, my video on having spellbinding conversation with women, were released as well, and continue to do great. Sensei has hundreds of subscribers; Spellbinding's gotten great reviews and continues to sell well.

As for visits, the site's grown a lot. In December 2010, we had 2,400 visits. In December 2011, just one year later, we had 193,000 visits - and it only keeps growing.

So what's in store for 2012?

Over the past week, while everyone's been on Christmas break, we've been upgrading the servers here, and just moved to a new server to handle the traffic the site's been attracting. We were experiencing page loading delays at times of up to 30 to 60 seconds - that's a thing of the past now with our own full-time dedicated server.

We've added a number of new members to the team too, including Ricardus, an experienced and talented writer; Genaro, our world class email guy; and a talented IT pro - with more new additions coming.

Book Excerpts: Good Posture (for Attracting Women)

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Book Excerpt: Good Posture (for Attracting Women) | Girls Chase

good postureGood posture is one of those things it's easy to overlook -- how often do you examine your posture, for instance? But it has a tremendous impact on how others view you -- so much that you might be amazed, in fact.

Our excerpt today is on how to recognize and use good posture, from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams. Posture's a fundamental -- it's something that many men forget to work on when improving themselves with women, but it has large and continuous impacts on your development and success rates with the opposite sex.

If you haven't given much thought to posture before, I'll start you off with an example that'll snap you right into seeing how important having good posture really is...

Can't-Miss Tips for Getting the First Kiss with a Girl

Ricardus Domino's picture

first kissAh, the first kiss.

Does the following sound familiar?

"This conversation with her is going great... man, she’s a real cutie… and she seems to be having a good time too... maybe... yes... I *think* she's flirting with me too!

"But... what if I try to kiss her now and she rejects me? I'll have made a fool out of myself... and maybe that'll blow all my chances with her... I can't take that risk... I better play it safe."

This is a pre-recorded voice message, installed on just about every man's mental hard-drive… at birth.

(It almost seems mother nature doesn’t want you to produce offspring at all sometimes, doesn’t it?)

So… we need to scramble that file... and fast.

FACT: If she’s talking to you, one on one, chances are she likes you… or she’s at least considering the possibility.

Which means, she’s EXPECTING you to kiss her… and in fact, it will even be WEIRD to her if you don’t make a move.

She will think that you’re either not that into her, or that you just don’t have the balls to take things to the next level… and either way, it will cause her interest in you to diminish.

It’s ironic… men are afraid to ruin their chances by making a move, when in reality the opposite is true… not taking things to a physical level with a woman is the number ONE reason why guys end up in the dreaded “friend-zone”!

A Good First Impression: Making One Every Time

Ricardus Domino's picture

good first impressionAs we all know, you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression. And this is more than just a cliché... this is HUGE!

I'll say it again: You just DON'T get a second chance!

Studies in the field of sales have confirmed the old adage. As it turns out, 80% of our perception of a person is formed in the first 3 minutes. But what’s more: 80% of THAT takes place in the first few SECONDS!

Do I have your attention?


So, what is the ideal first impression a girl should have of you?

If you don't know the answer to this question, you might be practicing the WRONG things… which means that all the hard sweat, blood and tears you invest might actually make your first impression LESS favorable.

What do you think? Should you be

  • Friendly or Macho?
  • Tough or Charming?
  • Dominant or Likeable?

What kind of first impression will make her feel ATTRACTED to you?

Let’s take a closer look. Your first impression comes down to three things:

And number three is the biggie.

Tactics Tuesdays: Tell Someone Lying from Someone Who's Not

Chase Amante's picture

tell someone lyingWhen I was three years old, I reached into a bag of potato chips up on the counter in the apartment my family lived in then and drew one of the chips out. Just then, my father walked into the room and caught me munching. "Who said you could have that chip?" he asked in his booming voice. I stood there stunned, looking at him like a deer in the headlights, a half eaten chip motionless in my frozen hand.

"Mommy," I said in response, eyes wide and voice trembling.

"Really?" my father said, disbelieving. "She said that from the shower?" He was right, my mother wasn't anywhere nearby -- she was in the bathroom getting washed. I could hear her singing from the kitchen. "Let's ask her."

I sat fearfully as my father walked into the bathroom and I heard him ask my mother if she said I could have a potato chip. I couldn't hear her response, but I guessed what it would be. My father walked back into the dining room. "She said she didn't," he said. I just stared at him. "You can't have these without asking first," he said, taking the bag away and putting it out of reach. I'd been caught red-handed (or salty-fingered). Fortunately, I escaped without a spanking, after I pleaded that it was "just one chip."

Ever since then, I've had a lifelong fascination with learning how to spot a liar, and how to not get found out oneself when on occasion pressed into lying. I hate lying, and avoid it whenever and wherever possible -- I wasn't very good at it when young, and came to the conclusion that lies always surface in the end, so it's better to just be honest -- but I'm all for being self-reliant, and very occasionally sometimes you've just got to know how to do it.

So how do you tell someone lying? There are a bunch of ways, and learning as many of them as you can is something that will benefit you enormously in all of your social interactions and relationships and friendships and parternships to come.