Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Will Your Mission Get You Girls?

Chase Amante's picture
can your mission get you girlsGuys keep saying “my mission will get me girls.” Will your mission get you girls? What kind of girls can a mission bring you, and does a good mission preclude ‘game’?

I keep hearing this line about how men should “focus on their mission and the women will come.”

Obviously this is one of these Blue Pill 2.0 mantras I was referring to when I talked about how the modern red pill has become a new blue pill. This is some straight up Field of Dreams stuff.

Nevertheless, the idea is very seductive to men. We all have dreams we want to build.

We all feel, intuitively, that if we build those dreams up, it’ll get us what we’re after – women included. We feel in our bones that if we just do this, we won’t need to sweat the small stuff; all those other minor details (such as everything relating to women) will take care of themselves.

I am fortunate to have had a broad series of friends and acquaintances across a large array of fields, many of them quite successful, and have very clear pictures about what the woman situation looks like for men who have focused their energies on ‘building their dreams’ across a cornucopia of areas.

I will give you some specifics about how the woman situation plays out for men who wholly focus on building up certain missions or dreams.

First though, let’s have a look at why the ‘exclusively focus on the mission approach’ only uncommonly results in women tossing their panties at you.

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (Adding Stories)

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Roses of Romantic Attraction update: storiesChase provides an update on his new book, the Roses of Romantic Attraction. Weaving stories in, talking to literary agents, and early thoughts on a relationship book.

Time for another update on progress for my upcoming book, the Roses of Romantic Attraction!

Opening Girls & Hooking Them In: Lessons from 15 Years of Approaching

Alek Rolstad's picture
15 years of approachingAfter approaching women for 15 years (and succeeding with many of them), Alek Rolstad shares his biggest takeaways on opening girls & hooking them in.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

In today’s post, I want to freestyle and share my thoughts on opening and hooking. These reflections come from 15 years of night gaming, so they are well-founded.

I will discuss opening, hooking, the three-second rule (whether you should wait before opening or jump into it), and if you should use canned (scripted) openers.

So, keep reading. You will likely learn a few techniques you haven’t thought about.

The 5 Hoe Phases Women Experience

Chase Amante's picture
the 5 different kinds of hoe phasesIt’s common for women to have a hoe phase. But did you know there are 5 different ones? From the recovery phase to the ‘kid in a candy store’, women hoe it up for a quintet of reasons.

By now most guys have realized that girls going through a hoe phase don’t stay in that phase forever. “Once a hoe, always a hoe” – maybe, but she won’t always be as active shacking up with men as she is during a phase. That little old lady with a 120-man body count isn’t still slurping on as many dongs as she was forty years ago. Age has slowed her down.

The “done with the cock carousel and ready to settle down” meme is funny, but also often correct. What prompts a woman to climb onto the cock carousel and start that hoe phase in the first place though – and why does she climb back off?

Below, we’ll open up the hood on the five (5) major sparks that prompt a woman to begin hoeing it up. Next stop: Hoetown!

Tactics Tuesdays: Turning Questions Into Statements

Chase Amante's picture
transform your questions into statementsToo caught up in interview-style questions? Break yourself out of that pattern by turning your questions into statements!

One of the most common rookie mistakes men make in conversation is to ask too many questions.

When you’re talking to a girl you’ve just met and you BOMBARD her with questions, it makes her feel like she’s in an interview. That’s bad for a multitude of reasons:

  • Interview-style is not how she talks with close friends. When you hit her with question after question, she gets the feeling that, “This man and I aren’t close.”

  • Interview-style displays a lack of connection. When there’s connection, you and her just vibe, with minimal questions. If you have to keep asking each other questions, the connection isn’t there.

  • Interview-style is more effortful. You are in ‘topical search mode’, looking for something to connect with her on. If you need to explore topic, after topic, after topic, that is a lot of work. You are in violation of the Law of Least Effort, and look socially weak.

You definitely do not want to overdo it with the questions.

So what CAN you do? Turn some of those questions into statements!

Dealing with Social Friction, Part 1: What Is Friction?

Chase Amante's picture
friction in social encountersFriction occurs in every complex system. If you want to date and socialize effectively, you must be able to identify it – and then adjust your response!

Every time you go out to socialize, message an acquaintance, or flirt with a romantic prospect, you have some goal in mind. Even if it’s only half-formed, rattling around in the back of your head, there’s still an object you’d like to achieve.

Sometimes everything goes smoothly and you meet your objective without even thinking about it. Your socializing nets you cool new friends. Your acquaintance messages back inviting you to a party. You seamlessly seduce that romantic prospect into a romantic conquest. When this happens you can feel like you’re walking on air.

Yet things don’t always progress as smoothly as you’d like. You go out to socialize but it suddenly pours rain; you discover you’re the only one out. You message that acquaintance only to get back a skeptical reply – or no reply at all. You flirt with a romantic prospect, but your prospect replies in a platonic way.

When things don’t go as planned, that’s friction. Friction is anything that impedes progress to your goal. Like friction in a physical system, it slows you down, increasing the amount of effort you must put in to push ahead, possibly even stopping you from getting there entirely.

Expert socializers come to have an innate sense of the social friction they’re facing, how to avoid it, deal with it, overcome it, or, alternately, when to take friction as an indication that a certain social objective isn’t worth it or won’t be achievable and that it’s time to change objectives.

In this series, we’ll take a close look at social friction: what causes it, how it manifests, and the most effective ways to deal with it.

Today, in Part 1, I’ll spell out exactly what friction is when it comes to social and romantic endeavors.

Should You Even Bother Dating Jaded, Cynical Girls?

Chase Amante's picture
woman pouting as man tries to shake her handJaded, cynical girls: those girls who always shut down your moves. “I know where this is going,” they say. “I’m not easy!” Are they WORTH bothering with?

I had a conversation recently with a seducer who has been frustrated with girls coming out onto dates who put walls up and do not allow seductions to happen.

This particular playboy meets a lot of girls from online, so he doesn’t get to compliance test or vibe check them in-person first. He only gets to see how well they connect on the date.

His problem closing these girls is not a general problem. He does fine ending up in bed with plenty of the other girls he takes out onto dates.

But with a certain type – the type I dubbed ‘jaded/cynical girls’ in my article on the different camps women fall into in terms of their perspectives on men – he just hits a wall.

As I commented to him, these girls can be gotten. But the question is, even if you can get them, are they worth it?

Mindsets of a Nightlife Seducer: Late Night Game

Alek Rolstad's picture
navigating the final stepsHow does a highly skilled playboy mentally navigate the later stages of a night on the town? Come along with Alek Rolstad and see the mindsets of a talented seducer late into the night.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

This post will continue my exploration of strategic decision-making and cognitive process in-field. Like last week, I will present a hypothetical scenario that reveals my mental approach to various situations. I am choosing a hypothetical scenario because it allows me to discuss different outcomes, which I cannot do in a real-life report. It also allows me to create the most challenging setting, providing the best examples. The scenarios I present are inspired by actual events and are snippets of different circumstances I have experienced.

Today, I will discuss taking a girl to my place after extracting her from a club.

This phase is often a tense moment for many. You’ve put in much work and are close to the goal! Things can screw up at the last minute, and that can seem scary. You may become needy, or you may be overly careful. Needy because you really want this to work, or overly careful because you do not want to mess things up. Both stressors are not ideal.

Neediness will kill your chance of success and may upset her or make her feel uncomfortable. If you are too risk-averse, you may miss your window of opportunity and set the wrong frame—now, she views you as a non-sexual male. If the wrong frame continues, she will feel tired and not in the mood. You waited too long.

Next, I will share how I mentally manage these situations.

Tactics Tuesdays: Self- vs. Other-Pointing

Chase Amante's picture
self-pointing and other-pointingPointing at yourself or others as you set emotional frames anchors those emotions to the pointee. Can you use this in seduction? You absolutely can…

A recent study examined US President Donald Trump’s use of pointing to connect with his audience. The study authors note

Results show that (i) inward points are associated with first-person references; (ii) outward points are associated with second person and third person/object references; (iii) downward points are associated with locative expressions; (iv) looping marks plurality and inclusiveness and (v) internal complexity is associated with expressions of number, time, sequence and comparison.

The authors further note that “Trump uses pointing in the kinesic performance of right-wing populism to entertain his audience, to engage with them more directly, to steer their attention and to align himself with them as a man of the people.”

While academia may just be catching up, the use of pointing has been with us since before we were human (apes, for instance, are known to point).

And one place we’ve long paid attention to the usefulness of the point is in neurolinguistics programming.

Eliciting Values & Details from Women in Conversation

Skilled Seducer's picture
eliciting from girlsConnect deeply with women by diving into their values, motivations, and experiences – then, after you’ve elicited these, stimulate on their responses.

This post by Glow originally appeared on our forum here.

A subtle but powerful key to managing conversations with women.

Game Generation One tended to rest a lot on spitting game; the art of leading and plowing with multiple stimulating techs. This is definitely useful. Using statements instead of techniques followed. Muti-threading conversations and other techniques came next. These are the more famous ones. Other schools of seduction used other means for conversation management and there are many routes for it.

One such more subtle form of driving, managing and leading convos is elicitation:

  • to evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.

  • to draw forth (something that is latent or potential) into existence.

In a seducer’s view, it becomes the art of drawing out her world, to engage her in talking about her. To draw her out. Doing so is a subtle but powerful way to grab attention by activating her, by showing interest for her. And you are leading what she brings out.

At the same time she feels interest for her world, and if done well, it will take her to interesting things she has not connected with in a while. Perhaps never really thought about. Another dimension is that she becomes reactive to you. And the experience is very nice for her. So many good things.