Will Your Mission Get You Girls?

I keep hearing this line about how men should “focus on their mission and the women will come.”

Obviously this is one of these Blue Pill 2.0 mantras I was referring to when I talked about how the modern red pill has become a new blue pill. This is some straight up Field of Dreams stuff.

Nevertheless, the idea is very seductive to men. We all have dreams we want to build.
We all feel, intuitively, that if we build those dreams up, it’ll get us what we’re after – women included. We feel in our bones that if we just do this, we won’t need to sweat the small stuff; all those other minor details (such as everything relating to women) will take care of themselves.
I am fortunate to have had a broad series of friends and acquaintances across a large array of fields, many of them quite successful, and have very clear pictures about what the woman situation looks like for men who have focused their energies on ‘building their dreams’ across a cornucopia of areas.
I will give you some specifics about how the woman situation plays out for men who wholly focus on building up certain missions or dreams.
First though, let’s have a look at why the ‘exclusively focus on the mission approach’ only uncommonly results in women tossing their panties at you.