Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Flake-Proof Date Plans

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

flake-proof date plansTired of girls flaking on dates with you? Then it's time to flake-proof your date plans. That is: make it so flakes no longer affect your life (or dating).

I know what you're thinking: "Is Chase about to tell me how to set up dates women will NEVER flake on?"

Well, no... no I'm not.

Sorry to disappoint.

There's no way to totally avoid flakes. They are a natural part of dating life.

However, I'm going to give you the next best thing:

Ways to flake-proof your date plans, that way when girls flake, they don't bug you or inconvenience you beyond the absolute bare minimum.

If You're Stuck in a Seduction, Do This

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

seduction stuckIf you get stuck in an interaction with a girl... you need to move it forward.

Hey there.

Have you interacted with a girl, hooked, had her smiling, and perhaps even escalated physically? Things get hotter; she seems compliant to you. It all seems to be going fine…

Until you reach a plateau. You are stuck.

It’s just not moving forward. It is not like things are sideways, or she is losing interest. You’re simply unable to move forward. It’s like the interaction freezes, and you are unable to escalate the vibe further.

This happens to everyone, even me sometimes. It’s a frustrating scenario, especially when you don’t know how to deal with it.

New Study: Men's Testosterone Down Another 25% Over 15 Years

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

testosterone declineOver the past several decades, men's testosterone has declined by a lot. What's caused this huge drop, and what can you do to save your own t-levels?

A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine discovered men's testosterone levels fell by 25% between the year 2000 and the year 2015.

The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Miami, the University of Manitoba, and others, adjusted for lifestyle factors, age, and BMI, and still found a decline in testosterone across the board. (the Urology Times has a good non-paywalled write-up on the study here)

The gist:

Between the years 2000 and 2015, men's testosterone fell from 605.39 ng/dL to 451.22 ng/dL.

A man in Year 2015 had 74.5% of the testosterone a man in Year 2000 had.

Yet this decline did not begin in 2000.

An earlier study (from 2007) discovered men's testosterone had fallen 17% in the 17 years between 1987 and 2004.

If you take the 17% drop from 1987 to 2004, and then use the 2004 number (567.44 ng/dL) from the first study and drop it to the 2015 number (451.22 ng/dL), you're looking at a 38.4% overall drop in testosterone for American men between 1987 to 2015.

And what's more, the drop is accelerating.

It only fell 17% from its 1987 numbers in the first 17 years. It then fell 21% from its 2004 numbers over the next 11 years.

The rate of testosterone decline went 33% faster after 2004 than it did before 2004.

Soum Lokeshwar, one of the researchers on the recent study, notes, “We’ve seen that lower values of testosterone have been associated with increased comorbidities and an increase risk for all-cause mortality. This decline specifically, in these young adult men, with increased obesity may lead to an increase in precocious cancer.”

Lokeshwar went on to add that as testosterone falls, men's libido falls too, and men increasingly struggle with erectile dysfunction.

There are problems beyond the rising health issues and collapsing sexual function of low testosterone men, however. A decline in testosterone causes problems at a civilization scale.

But first off: how did we get here, and how do we fix it?

Tactics Tuesdays: Text Flake Reversal Framing

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

text flake reversalWhen a girl flakes on you, get her back by reverse flaking on her. You might not think it'd work – but psychology is weird (and it does work).

Over the years I've coached a lot of guys into getting girls out on dates who'd repeatedly flaked on them or ignored their messages.

There's a trick I use with this (credit: BradP) where you flip the frame on a flakey girl, and present yourself as the flaker and her as the flakey.

When I spell it out for you here, you're going to think of course it will never work.

It sounds like something that'd be so obvious no woman would ever fall for it.

Yet, even if she picks up on what you're doing (and not every girl will), it still works.

The effect is still there. She feels the emotions, feels like you flaked on her rather than the reverse, and you feel scarce and in-demand to her.

These emotions make her suddenly much more interested in coming out to meet you.

I've personally typed out messages for friends and students to send using this method that turned girls who were avoiding them into girls willing to come meet up with just a single text.

In this article, I'll tell you how I do that.

Things Guys Do that Cause Women to Resist Sex at the Last Minute

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

causes of LMRGuys do things all the time with girls they were 99% of the way there with that cause those women to resist sex. If you know what these mistakes are, though, they're simple enough to avoid.

I've been hearing a lot of "I got this girl right up to the point where we were about to have sex, then I hit a sudden unexpected wall of LMR and she left" stories lately.

I don't know if women have suddenly gotten a lot more finicky about closing for some guys due to lockdown reasons, or if it's just a random spike of these cases I'm hearing. Probably the latter.

However, I have found myself repeatedly reviewing guys' retellings of their bedroom seductions, then pointing out to them areas that I notice them doing stuff that is going to make women resist them.

Often when I point these areas out, they themselves say, "Yeah, I also felt like something was off at that moment."

So it seems like most guys pick up on when something happens during their escalations that isn't supposed to. They just aren't experienced or attuned enough yet to get out in front of it and prevent it. It's a semi-conscious right brain awareness rather than a fully conscious left brain one.

What we'll do here is review the primary things you need for a smooth escalation that avoids last minute resistance (LMR) and gives you a straight path to bed with girls.

You're going to want these tools in your arsenal for better, more effective seductions.

Learning to Seduce, Pt 2: Benefits of a Better Girl-Getting Skillset

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

benefits of girl skillsYeah, you want more girls, but is learning seduction worth the work? In actual fact, the benefits extend far beyond simple pleasure, to reach across your entire life.

Hey guys. Last week I discussed the importance of seeking long-term solutions instead of short-term answers to your girl problems.

We mentioned that short-term answers have a higher chance of being “flawed.” They risk a lower chance of being implemented correctly since the seducer lacks the skills and experience to pull things off (given all the subtleties and timings).

With more experience, you acquire better and more accurate diagnostic tools that help you understand and find the best solution to your problem. The chances that you implement the right solution correctly also increase.

To acquire this capability, you have to shoot for the long-term solution and learn those skills. This gives you the best chance of getting that one special girl since you not only have better diagnostic tools to understand the girl and the situation, but you’ve improved your overall skills, which will increase your chances of getting her.

Today I’d like to provide more reasons why you should opt for the long-term solution and why you should take the time to learn how to get good with girls.

There may be reasons you may not have thought of, which may shed light on what you may have previously disregarded. I am sure that NO MATTER what your goals are, you will see that taking the time to learn how to get good with girls will benefit you. It will help you reach your goals, opening up other ancillary benefits you may not have thought about which you can add to, and improve your technique.

I hope the following breakdown will increase your motivation to pursue this journey because even though it can be filled with frustrations here and there, at the end of the day, it is a fun and exciting journey.

2020: The Year in Review & a Look Ahead

Chase Amante's picture
2020 year in reviewWe look back at 2020's changes, both for Girls Chase and worldwide, and review last year's content -- as well as what lies ahead.

On the world stage, 2020 was a year like no other, wasn't it?

We're trying to mostly keep things focused on the site and avoid too many forays into the wild, wacky, tumultuous state of the world. However going over broader events of this past year is unavoidable in any kind of year-end review post.

So, let's review the world stage first.

What It Means When She Says She Wants an Open Relationship

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

says she wants an open relationshipWhen she says she wants an open relationship, does she mean it? Well, with women, things often have double meanings.

We had a forum thread recently where a member revealed his girlfriend of four years requested an open relationship.

He wasn't sure about it, figuring it might not go his way. But he said yes to it, and some misadventures followed: his gal started getting boinked by other guys, but then our forum member ended up shagging a few girls, then meeting a girl he started to fall for.

The 4-year-girlfriend, previously feeling liberated over her newfound sexual freedom, changed her tune once her beau fell for a woman of his own, and decided she wanted to close the relationship back up again.

Our hero argued with his woman, drama ensued, and ultimately he broke up with her.

I've seen a lot of relationships switch from closed to open over the years, and it is always a drama-filled process, not for the faint of heart (or those who don't like having their hearts torn up and dashed around a bit).

A lot of guys think they can handle it. Some can... for a while.

This article's about what it means when your girlfriend or wife asks for an open relationship.

We'll talk a little bit about whether you ought to give her that, first, too.

Learning to Seduce, Pt 1: "Get Her Now" vs. Build the Skill

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

learning seductionMost guys who start learning seduction do so to fix an immediate need. Yet the REAL results come from long-term practice.

Hi there. I hope you are all doing fine.

After spending weeks discussing indirect game and sharing two very detailed case studies of how I do things in field (showing how all the puzzle pieces come together), I have decided to move on to other subjects.

So today, let’s discuss seduction advice. I’ll debunk some misconceptions about the limitations and promises of those “quick fixes” for seduction we all too often hear.

What can we know, and what can we not know? And more importantly, what can you expect from this field of knowledge? I intend to give you a more realistic view of pickup and seduction.

Unfortunately, in this industry, we see many empty promises and outright crap to buy into. I hope that my breakdown will make sense and seem trustworthy.