Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Disqualifying Girls to Boost Attraction

Chase Amante's picture
disqualifying girlsIf a girl is resistant or not as interested as she should be, you can use a disqualifier to make her feel like you’re saying you aren’t interested – and prompt her to chase.

One classic seduction tactic I’m surprised we’ve never written a devoted article on is the disqualifier. Given Alek Rolstad’s recent series on showing disinterest in girls (to get them chasing and raise attraction), I figured it was time to write one up.

A disqualifier is anything you use to disqualify either YOURSELF or THE GIRL. Disqualifiers have several use cases (such as simplifying the seduction by removing yourself from boyfriend contention). However, most of the time you will use them to slightly lower attainability in a playful, flirtatious way designed to make girls chase you.

Here’s a very simple example of a disqualifier you might use:

BLONDE GIRL: So what kind of girls do you like?

YOU: Mostly redheads but sometimes I go for brunettes.

By telling Ms. Blonde that you only go for redheads and “sometimes” brunettes, you implicitly disqualify her as a romantic option. If you read her right, and she was ripe for a disqualifier, she is going to start working harder to attract you – i.e., she is going to chase.

I’ll briefly discuss the psychology behind disqualification. Then we’ll talk about when and when not to use disqualifiers, plus give you some example disqualifications you can play around with on girls today.

Why Do Girls Always Seem to Go for the Wrong Guys?

Chase Amante's picture
why does she keep choosing the wrong men?Women have terrible taste in men. They keep going for the wrong guys again and again. But WHY do girls date the wrong guys? Hint: because they AREN’T wrong!

The single biggest source of frustration and cognitive dissonance for many men is the tendency of girls to date the wrong guys, time and again. A comment from a reader on a recent article of mine sums this up:

I quote myself: "If we know one thing for sure it’s that women rarely ever make the “right” decision for them, at least not what they had in mind." The meaning behind this sentence was and is, that women would rather be with someone who is "bad" on paper than someone who is supposedly a "perfect" match. It's why again I questioned the whole being cautious part you mentioned. In my experience women aren't cautious, they just like to make most men think they are in order to date the guys they really desire.

All too often, women choose unreliable bad boys who neglect them, fail to dote on them, avoid commitment to them, and not uncommonly cheat on them! This seems like terrible decision making from the nice guy point of view.

why do I keep attracting all the wrong ones, is it me?A nice male Redditor in his 30s laments attracting so many 30-something women “ready to settle down” after being jettisoned by bad boy exes.


nice guy bat signalThe Nice Guy Bat Signal


When I first found the seduction community in 2005, nice men were deeply flummoxed over this intractable poor decision making women seemed to have in their mate selection. Years later, men in the red pill community continue to harp on this same exact point – the very one friend zoned men have long lamented.

why do women have such awful taste in entertainment

It seems – to the uninitiated – as if most women have absolutely terrible romantic decision making skills.

Yet, as we shall see in this article, women know exactly what they’re doing.

There’s a reason girls go for the wrong guys and date bad boys instead of nice, safe, dependable men. (crazy as that may sound!)

A Quick Sneak Peek of My Upcoming "How to Tease" System

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Lush Teases Method™Want to tease girls much, much better? My upcoming “Lush Teases” Method™ will teach you just that – and get girls laughing their ways into your bedroom…

Pretty much since I started Girls Chase, guys have been asking me to explain to them how to be funny, how to tell jokes, how to tease girls expertly, and so on.

I have gotten asked this so much that even though it is probably one of the hardest things to teach, I have made numerous efforts over the years to explain how to tease girls, craft one-liners, and use wit and playfulness effectively. I even shot a couple of videos on it.

But I am still getting guys asking about humor, or talking about how they have trouble using humor to the desired effect. When I see how they are using their humor, it is obvious they aren’t grasping the foundations of WHAT makes humor work with women.

So, I’ve put together a new system that teaches men how to create humor that seduces women from the open all the way up through to intimacy (and beyond).

I’m calling it ‘LUSH’.

Feeling, Building, and Managing Sexual Tension with Women

Skilled Seducer's picture
creating & managing sexual tension with girlsSome things raise sexual tension with women – like eye contact and silence – while others (joking, talking) release it. Plus: how to rebuild lost tension.

This post by PrettyDecent originally appeared on our forum here.

Hey fellas,

Thought I’d throw a quick post to the boards before heading out for the evening ;)

When I first started this journey (meeting women), I’d talk to a lot of women, and I was getting laughs and comfort pretty quickly. But when I grabbed their phone number, they generally weren’t answering or were pretty stubborn about planning a date.

Of course, the reason for flaking and bad numbers isn’t the same for everyone – but sexual tension is a key part in making any interaction move forward.

She needs to feel some initial spark of attraction before she complies with you.

So hopefully this post shall shed some light for folks struggling here!

The keywords are tension and pressure. When you’re in a conversation with a girl, she should be feeling nervous around you. And here’s the secret: you ought to be feeling nervous, too! Why is this? Because tension is felt by both people, but one cracks during the pressure, and the other puts up a face of calm.

If you’ve ever heard of the game “chicken”, you’ll know what I mean – two people in their cars drive toward each other in a potential head-on collision to see who will bow out first. The guy can win and the girl will continue to feel (more) sexual attraction toward him, or he’ll lose and be that much closer to the friend zone.

Here are some examples.

How to Show Disinterest in a Girl and Attract Her Deeply

Alek Rolstad's picture
disinterest that drives attractionShowing disinterest in a girl is a powerful way to drive up her interest in you. Yet there are only a few good ways to do this – and you must do it correct.

Hey guys. Welcome back to my series on showing disinterest in girls (the follow-on to my series on the indirect approach).

Last week, we discussed why showing disinterest is crucial when interacting with a new girl. Although we covered some elements about how to do this last week, we will delve deeper today.

Showing disinterest serves two purposes:

  1. It lets you respond to a girl’s tests

  2. It increases compliance

Let’s discuss how to show disinterest and calibrate it properly.

Every Guy Skilled with Women Has Nuance

Chase Amante's picture
on having a nuanced view of womenThe average man tends to fall into over-simplistic thinking on girls. Men who are highly skilled with women, however, view girls in a far more nuanced way.

I’ve been spending a little time on just to see if it is possible for us to build that out more as another channel to reach a bigger audience. I’ll probably play around with it a few more weeks at least to see if we can get traction, then reassess if it’s worth continuing to bother with (or not).

But while I’m there, one of the things they tell you to do if you want to grow on X is to interact with a bunch of other larger accounts every day. The reason is that regular users will see you posting, grow acquainted with you, check you out if they like your stuff, and follow you. Over time, you build up an audience on the platform.

As I do this ‘homework’, reading these various other accounts’ takes on women and dating, then read the replies, it reminds me once again how little nuance there is in the vast majority of men’s conceptions of women.

The nice guy ‘blue pilled’ guys think women are basically like “men with vaginas.” They expect women are as driven and capable as men are at doing all the things men like best, that women hold essentially masculine values/virtues, and that women basically think like men, albeit colored through the lens of feminine experience. A few weeks doing cold approach would completely disabuse them of these ideas.

Then on the other side the (often bitter) ‘red pilled’ and ‘black pilled’ guys also engage in gross over-simplifications about women, but in the total opposite direction. Women to these men are irrational, self-interested succubi. Women are coldly focused on getting the best-looking, or highest status, or richest, or most confident man they can get (depending on the biases of the man sharing his opinion); any man who does not measure up is basically driftwood. In these guys’ cases, a few weeks of cold approach would also disabuse them of much of this – although only once they’re getting results (and not just one-night stands with psycho chicks!).

This kind of thinking (the blue pill guys, red pill guys, and black pill guys) is fine so long as a man is content hanging around in the peanut gallery, firing off opinions for the consumption of others who are also in the peanut gallery.

But the instant he wants to be in the arena – and actually succeeding with women in a repeatable, engineerable way – he has to throw this stuff out.

He has to learn to see nuance.

Generation Z Is Ditching Dating Apps. So Where Do They Get Dates?

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Where's Generation Z Getting Its Dates?Members of Generation Z are 15% less likely to meet their dates on dating apps. Instead, they’ve turned to friends, work, and real-life events to find love.

I’ve been telling folks to quit using dating apps so darn much for a long time.

Older folks have stubbornly ignored this advice. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks! 74% of dating app users are ages 30+. When you consider the fact that the average American is married by age 30, that’s a whole lotta divorcés, lifelong bachelors, and spinsters on these apps… and not very many young & singles by comparison.

online dating service users in the United States as of September 2023, by age groupThe prime demographic for dating apps is less and less interested.

Partly, that is because Generation Z has been abandoning dating apps in droves.

As Time Magazine aptly notes

Given that Gen-Z currently includes 18 to 27 year olds, one would assume they would be prime candidates for the swipe-and-match of dating apps. But that’s not the case. Despite the growing trend of dating apps being where people go to find partners in the U.S., Gen-Z seems to be opting out.

The New York Times reports that “the two largest dating-app companies are facing serious problems with younger users.” It lists reasons given by Gen Zers on TikTok, Reddit, and Instagram such as:

  • Swiping feeling too transactional & unnatural
  • Distrust in profit-oriented dating companies
  • Being sick of fake profiles on apps
  • Disinterest in hookup culture
  • Better ways to meet people (& for free) exist

“In my opinion, dating apps are for people who are kind of desperate for something,” the Times quotes 28-year-old schoolteacher Alexa Valavicius as saying. Remember in 2015 when everybody said online dating was no longer for desperate people – it had gone mainstream? Well the ol’ ‘desperation reputation’ has begun to creep back in!

The author of the Times article, Gina Cherelus, notes she “realized that being on the apps gave the illusion that I was putting effort into my dating life, when really I was spending a couple hours a week swiping for 30 minutes and calling it a day. And my self-confidence was taking a hit.” She continues

Surprisingly, I find that my dating life is more active since giving up the apps in the fall of 2022. Knowing that I’ve eliminated them as an option to meet people has made me more inclined to engage in conversation with a stranger at a cafe, bookshop or house party.

In other words, ditching dating apps made her more social, and more open to men’s approaches.

Fortune reported on Bumble slashing 1/3 of its workforce in late 2024. The article paraphrases a research analyst as saying, “The redesign of the app has seemingly not been enough to court younger users.” Bumble lost $40 billion in market share value between 2021 and 2024.

But if Generation Z is flocking off the dating apps, where are they going now to look for love (or flings)?

Tactics Tuesdays: Baby Step Approaching (for Severe Approach Anxiety or Rust)

Chase Amante's picture
super baby steps to get you approaching girlsIf you’re having a tough time getting yourself to approach women, these are the 7 steps you need. In 30 minutes, you’ll OBLITERATE your approach anxiety.

Sub-Zero, our long-struggling reader, recently requested an even simpler way to dip your toes into the ‘approach girls’ pool than our Newbie Assignment:

3. Do you have baby steps for approaching with the newbie assignment or just approaching in general? I need the most simplest, easiest way to approach because for some reason I can’t do it. I can talk when girls talk to me, but anything with me having to start the convo or me having to carry the convo and close, I just can’t do it.

I know you thought I meant in general and thought I was ok with night clubs, I’m better there, but after being out the game for so long, I just can’t open, carry the convo, or close, especially for day game.

All right, so here are the SUPER BABY STEPS for making an approach on a girl.

If your approach anxiety is crippling or you’re so rusted over your approach muscles won’t budge an inch, this is the guide you want to follow.

This is what I use personally to jump into action any time I’ve acquired some rust and need to get back to it. This also allows you to get into gear pretty quick, assuming you have some prior approaching experience.

If you don’t have prior experience approaching women, you don’t have to go through all this – just go up to the level you are comfortable with. Then try to go a little further the next time.

[FREE BOOK] 10 Nonverbal Tricks that Get Girls to Chase You

Chase Amante's picture
10 Nonverbal Tricks that Get Girls to Chase YouGet girls to laugh, follow you, and fight for your attention with these nonverbal chasing tricks. If you have an X/Twitter account, I’ll send the book FREE.

Howdy gents.

I’ve got a cool new mini book written up for you. The title?

10 Nonverbal Tricks that Get Girls to Chase You!

I’m making the book available for $4.99.

However, if you have an X/Twitter account, the book is completely free.

How to Become a High Status Hero in Your Social Circle Scene

Skilled Seducer's picture
how to become popular in your sceneYou’ve joined a new scene with new people. How do you rise to the top and break into the ‘in’ crowd? Follow these 9 popularity rules & you WILL get there!

This post by MonsieurLabrie originally appeared on our forum here.