Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Move Girls

Chase Amante's picture

move girlsIf you've been reading this site a while, I'm sure you've seen me recommend again and again that you move girls to get them committed to the interaction with you.

You might have wondered exactly what that meant though, or exactly how to do it.

It's a surprisingly simple piece of advice - "move girls" - but it makes a huge difference in how your interactions go. In fact, it's hands down my favorite exercise to do with coaching clients. Typically we go out, work on a little basic opening, some initial conversation, and then, the meat - I tell a guy, "All right, next, I want you to start moving these girls."

I've seen this called "isolation" in some places, "extraction" in others. It's been given lots of longwinded technical explanations, like you need to move women in order to get them away from their friends, who'll interfere... or something like that.

This is not so. Friends don't make much of a difference. What DOES make a difference is getting girls to commit to talking with you - and following your lead.

And that's necessary for a couple of different reasons.

Book Excerpts: Women Love Sex

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

women love sexThere are a few key differences between a man who's confident and experienced with women and one who's neither confident nor experienced with women. One of those differences is the confident, experienced man's approach and demeanor: he knows how to act in a way that will most attract women to him.

Another of these is his process: no longer uncertain of what he needs to do, he single-mindedly pursues his objective with each new woman - finding a way to take this beautiful, scintillating creature as his lover.

Another still is his mindset: unlike the unconfident and inexperienced man, this man knows, with unwavering certainty, that women love sex.

Or at the very least, he knows they love it with him.

Asian Guys and White Girls: The Secret to Success

Jerome Wu's picture

asian guys and white girlsNote from Chase:

Every now and then I get asked about Asian guys and white girls. I understand why some guys ask this; there is a very human tendency we all have to say, "Well, that may work for you, but it's only because you're white / black / Asian / tall / muscular / super smart / naturally talented / some other thing outside of one's power to change." And no matter how much you tell people that that's just an excuse, many of them cling staunchly to this. Chase is a white guy; what does he know about being Asian?

In fact, I've had a number of Asian male friends who were very talented with white women. One of them was a Korean-American guy from Middle America who'd been a nightclub promoter and body builder and even when he was unemployed and not sure what he wanted to do with his life slept with tons of beautiful white girls more easily than most white guys can. Another was a short Chinese-born guy who seemed to literally will white women into bed by sheer persistence and charm.

But I still get questions from Asian guys about Asian guys and white girls, so I asked another Asian friend of mine named Jerome - yet another Chinese-born guy who does very well for himself with European and American white girls back in the US and elsewhere - to write a guest post on the topic.

At first Jerome was a little confounded when I asked him. "What do you want me to write about, exactly?" he asked confusedly.

"Just your experience with getting girls as an Asian guy... particularly white girls," I said.

"How's that any different from getting girls as a white guy?" he asked me.

"It's not," I replied, "but I've got readers who think it really is. You'd be helping a lot of guys out if you could just give your perspective."

"All right," he responded, "but I'm telling you, it's exactly the same for an Asian guy as it is for a white guy."

Without further ado, here's his post.

The Road to Dating Success

Ricardus Domino's picture

dating successIf you’ve read the post about how to seduce women, you know that improvement happens gradually, over time, and by jumping from one so-called plateau to another.

That’s why it is important to constantly improve yourself in order to achieve dating success. Today we will talk about a specific formula, so you know just EXACTLY how to do that.

As Tony Robbins says – you either grow, or you die!

  • If you hit the gym every day, you will become stronger… but if you don’t work out, you won’t stay the same… you’ll lose a little bit of muscle mass every single day.
  • If you stop making more money, you don’t automatically conserve your wealth – you have expenditures to worry about, and inflation is eating away at your cash too.
  • If you practice the guitar, you get better at it – but if you stop for a while, you don’t maintain your skills… you get more and more rusty, until you suddenly start making mistakes in songs that were once easy.

Ignacy Paderewski, a Polish pianist, is famously quoted with the words: “If I miss one day of practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, my wife notices it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it.”

At the same time, improvement is very gradual and often invisible… until a sudden leap to the next plateau occurs. It is important to stay dedicated ESPECIALLY when you’re not seeing any results… that way, they are GUARANTEED to come eventually.

If you move to a new country, you may not understand anything in the foreign language at first. Then, some day, you will wake up and think to yourself – “Wow! I understand everything!” The gradual improvement was not noticeable.

Rather, you made a leap to the next plateau.

And, it’s the same with your skills with women. Work on them consistently, expect gradual improvement, don’t be discouraged when you seem to be getting nowhere… and just keep going.

Book Excerpts: The Direct Opener

Chase Amante's picture

direct openerHow do you say "hi" to a new woman?

One of the most tried and true of the PUA openers around is the direct opener. Direct, or "genuine interest" as it's also called, centers around, well, directly stating your genuine interest in a woman.

For instance, you think she looks breathtaking in the flowing, summery dress... you tell her.

Of course, it helps if you have a standard form you can rely on to place your direct opener in so you have a rough idea what you're going to say everytime you use it. This helps you crowd out anxiety and be able to slide right into opening a new woman pretty much on demand. All you've got to be able to do is say what you already know how to say.

This excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams is going to take you straight into the heart of communicating genuine interest in women with a direct opener and give you the basics you'll want to follow... as well as the mindset that comes with.

How to Get a Girlfriend... in 5 Simple Steps

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to get a girlfriendA friend of mine asked me my opinion on how to get a girlfriend the other day, and as I’m giving him my advice, I thought this might interest you as well.

Some guys want to get a girlfriend, for whatever reason…

  • Maybe you’re just looking to have steady company, or you’d like regular intimacy with a girl that’s more than just a friend with benefits
  • Maybe you want to find a deeper emotional connection, or you want to have somebody to snuggle up with over the winter
  • Maybe you want to take a break from “the game”, or maybe you want to get married and have kids?

Whatever the motives, here’s how to get a girlfriend, in 5 steps… and while this may contrast with advice in other articles on how to seduce women quickly, it actually doesn’t differ that much… you’ll see.

Epic Movie Seductions: Part III

Ricardus Domino's picture

movie seductionIn Epic Movie Seductions: Part I and Epic Movie Seductions: Part II of this series, we discussed the Pickup Scenes in “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona”, in “Office Space”, and in “American Beauty”.

Today we’ll discuss one more scene from a movie that absolutely NAILED the perfect pickup!

This movie seduction also shows a normal guy, approaching a hot girl, in a normal, every-day situation… and KILLING it!

Watching these scenes is one of the best ways to learn, because…

Monkey see, monkey do!

Let’s jump right in.

Book Excerpts: Tips for Texting Girls

Chase Amante's picture

texting tipsThere's a lot of information out there that proposes to teach you how to text a girl, but the great majority of it falls flat. Guys post transcripts that don't measure up; or, tout as effective those conversational styles that produce more reactions than results. Thus, you go searching for texting tips but end up with nothing all that useable.

If you've read the advice on texting women you'll find on this site, you know it's both a lot simpler than what you'll find elsewhere... and a lot more focused on generating results for your dating life. We're a lot less concerned with making women like you than we are with making women actually get together with you.

Hence, these tips for texting and this selection from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, focused on reviewing the most important things you'll need to know to be truly effective in your text conversations with women.

Epic Movie Seductions: Part II

Ricardus Domino's picture

movie seductionIn Epic Movie Seductions: Part I, we discussed the movie seduction in the film “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona”.

In that one, we looked at a smooth, confident approach a man made on two women sitting at a table, and the rock solid frame control he used to hold his own in the face of a defiant woman.

Today we’ll discuss more scenes from Hollywood movies that absolutely NAILED the perfect pickup!

They show a normal guy, approaching a hot girl, in normal, every-day situations… and KILLING it!

Watching these scenes is one of the best ways to learn, because…

Monkey see, monkey do!

Let’s jump right in.

Epic Movie Seductions: Part I

Ricardus Domino's picture

movie seductionFiction is fiction… and a lot of movies and TV series aren’t very helpful for aspiring seducers. They may have true ladies’ men in the lead role, but they’re also too unrealistic or too different from normal situations to be at all educational. Thus, the impracitcality of modeling your real world seductions off of the average movie seduction.

In “Entourage”, for example, the protagonists are too famous and popular for you to ever apply what they do to your dating life… and in “Californication”, the women usually approach Duchovny… how are you going to imitate that?


HOWEVER, there are four scenes from Hollywood movies that absolutely NAILED the perfect pickup!

They show a normal guy, approaching a hot girl, in normal, every-day situations and KILLING it!

Watching these scenes is one of the best ways to learn, because…

Monkey see, monkey do!

The first of these four movies is “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona” – let me walk you through the pickup scene step by step, line by line, and analyze every behavior and every frame.

If you only learn from Juan Antonio’s mindset in this movie, your skills with women will improve significantly… and some of his lines aren’t bad either.

I recommend you read this article now to get the idea, then get a hold of the movie and watch the scenes we’re talking about… then come back to this text and read it once more, to really drill the lessons deep into your subconscious mind.