Don't Let Other Men Steal Your Girl
The other day I was walking down the street with a friend of mine when I happened to see a couple walking toward us. The man in that couple then lifted his arm up and wrapped it around the girl's shoulders; immediately though, she reached up and removed his hand from her shoulders, and a sheepish grin spread across his face. When he noticed that I'd been watching, he then hung his head a little lower.
I laughed, but it made me think. It's quite demeaning as a man when a woman does that -- when she pushes you aside or ignores you.
And when it happens in a bar or a nightclub -- when there are other, aggressive males around -- it can be downright dangerous.
Hence, this post, about competitive men trying to steal your girl, and about blood in the water. I want to identify a common but under-discussed phenomenon you'll run into when you're out with women -- and I want to teach you how to avoid falling victim to the sharks.