If you’ve read the post about how to seduce women, you know that improvement happens gradually, over time, and by jumping from one so-called plateau to another.
That’s why it is important to constantly improve yourself in order to achieve dating success. Today we will talk about a specific formula, so you know just EXACTLY how to do that.
As Tony Robbins says – you either grow, or you die!
- If you hit the gym every day, you will become stronger… but if you don’t work out, you won’t stay the same… you’ll lose a little bit of muscle mass every single day.
- If you stop making more money, you don’t automatically conserve your wealth – you have expenditures to worry about, and inflation is eating away at your cash too.
- If you practice the guitar, you get better at it – but if you stop for a while, you don’t maintain your skills… you get more and more rusty, until you suddenly start making mistakes in songs that were once easy.
Ignacy Paderewski, a Polish pianist, is famously quoted with the words: “If I miss one day of practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, my wife notices it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it.”
At the same time, improvement is very gradual and often invisible… until a sudden leap to the next plateau occurs. It is important to stay dedicated ESPECIALLY when you’re not seeing any results… that way, they are GUARANTEED to come eventually.
If you move to a new country, you may not understand anything in the foreign language at first. Then, some day, you will wake up and think to yourself – “Wow! I understand everything!” The gradual improvement was not noticeable.
Rather, you made a leap to the next plateau.
And, it’s the same with your skills with women. Work on them consistently, expect gradual improvement, don’t be discouraged when you seem to be getting nowhere… and just keep going.